LIS before pregnancy

LIS and vaginal delivery

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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LIS before pregnancy

Postby momtobe » 19 Feb 2016, 14:37


Has anyone had a LIS done before (or during) pregnancy and then had a Vaginal Delivery? I've seen a few doctors and some say, there is no problem or increased risks from LIS while another said to wait until I'm done having kids as the incontinence risks go up after vaginal delivery. I do not want to have a C-section, hence my question is very specific.

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Re: LIS before pregnancy

Postby pinpin » 26 Mar 2016, 15:59


It is difficult to decide of course, how painful is your fissure at the moment? Probably it is better to wait if it is manageable.

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Re: LIS before pregnancy

Postby Casperblue » 21 Apr 2016, 16:01

Do not have LIS until you are done with kids. Doctor is right, you can suffer 3 or 4th degree tears, you will have too much scarring for them to fix you.
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