LIS day 5 after surgery

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LIS day 5 after surgery

Postby Roidsfizzman » 03 May 2014, 10:45


Today is the fifth day after LIS surgery and banding and I am getting nerve stingers. The stingers appear to be comming from the area where scare tissue was removed from around the fissure. My issue is that the stingers are causing my testicals to be sore and I am having low flow urine and a hard time getting it started with some minor pain. There is no blood in the urine. The problem is worse after a BM as the stingers are more often. So far I have been able to urinate but I am getting a little concerned. I was hoping by day 5 I would be past this problem. Did anyone else have issue with stingers and urinating?

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Re: LIS day 5 after surgery

Postby suzyljank » 03 May 2014, 21:04

Hi, Whenever you have surgery in that area it can set off spasms in the surrounding muscles. Sounds like you might be having some pelvic floor spasms. They can cause you to feel like you have to urinate when you don't. Since you're only 5 days out from surgery give it some time, if it's still an issue please call your doctor. All the best, Suzy.
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Re: LIS day 5 after surgery

Postby 19seventy » 04 May 2014, 06:47

Morning, hang in there. Yes two of my surgeries I had what your taking about. There is a lot of shared nerves in that area. Try a warm bath and see if that improves your flow. Also are you drinking enough water? With all three of my surgeries at day five I was drinking about 1.5 gallons a day. Most of my life I drink that much though. Guess I've always believed it flushes you out.

It's a sensitive area there and now it's been disturbed and it needs time to come around. Won't be long you'll be doing great.
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Re: LIS day 5 after surgery

Postby kathmandu » 04 May 2014, 19:58

Take a warm bath with epsom salt after each bowel movements. It will relax your muscle and stop the stinging.
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Re: LIS day 5 after surgery

Postby Roidsfizzman » 06 May 2014, 08:11

I have tried the warm baths and it has helped with the urine flow. Thanks for the information.
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