LIS efficacy question

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LIS efficacy question

Postby Hopefull123 » 21 Jan 2018, 12:23

Hi all, for those of you who have been here a few years, especially the moderators, could you please let me know if anyone who's had LIS has gotten worse. I don't have tome to read all the stories posted over the years.
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Re: LIS efficacy question

Postby Mypoorbutt » 21 Jan 2018, 13:14

Hi I don’t think anyone has gotten worse although for the first 3 months after my LIS I certainly did feel worse but that was because my crohns flared a few weeks after my op.
LIS has helped 97% ish of the people on here. I know one admin who had to have flap surgery after her LIS and a couple of people who have had to have LIS again after a few years.
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Re: LIS efficacy question

Postby AnalFizz » 22 Jan 2018, 13:56

I’m one of that 3% that the first LIS didn’t solve the problem totally. Now I’m on a waiting list for a second one some time in feb. Still my general condition is better than with diltiazem preLIS. Stopped movicol now because most of my burning was caused by wet stool. Now minimal discomfort and only significant issues when diet goes awry. Still the damn thing won’t heal totally. But I would still recommend LIS to anyone with a chronic fissure.
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