Just had LIS. Quick Question.

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Just had LIS. Quick Question.

Postby Chambers21 » 11 Feb 2017, 13:13

I had LIS at about 11.30 am this morning. Sorry about the small post, I am still very tired so will post more about my experience tomorrow.

I have read a lot about not being able to hold gas or stools in after surgery so I am a bit worried that I seem to be having the opposite problem. I feel extremely gassy like I need to constantly fart but I feel as if I would have to force this out, which I obviously don't want to risk doing. Is this normal for the 1st day or is it time to start worrying already?

If it wasn't for this site I would have never built the courage to get this done, so thanks for that I am truly more grateful than I can put into words while drugged up like this lol! :Rock:
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Re: Just had LIS. Quick Question.

Postby Chambers21 » 11 Feb 2017, 13:19

Also is it safe to have a warm or hot bath today or should I leave it for day 2? I feel like I should clean up down there but don't want to damage anything..
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Re: Just had LIS. Quick Question.

Postby Chambers21 » 20 Feb 2017, 09:12

Well it seems the LIS didn't work at all. I believe he didn't do a large enough incision because I'm no looser down there than I was before. Such a shame and so depressing. Just took two weeks off work for nothing and will have to go through it all again
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Re: Just had LIS. Quick Question.

Postby Mypoorbutt » 20 Feb 2017, 09:54

Hi...please don't write the LIS off yet I too felt exactly like you, I was having to literally force gas out and was still having full on spasms for 24 hours after a BM.
But it slowly got better and trust me I do mean SLOWLY....by week four after LIS the spasms were still there but were down to about 8 hours and I could pass wind without too much effort.
I'm now 13 weeks post LIS and if I have a good BM (I have crohns and IBS) then I'm pretty much pain free just a bit of discomfort for about 20 mins.
My surgeon couldn't make the cut as long as my fissure as my fissure was just so long...at week 3 I was sure I would need another LIS but at my 10 week check I was 90% healed just the bit above the cut left to heal.
Of course there is a chance your LIS hasn't worked but please give it a bit longer to see, some of us just need more time than the average person
Good luck
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Re: Just had LIS. Quick Question.

Postby Chambers21 » 21 Feb 2017, 11:36

You are definitely right, time is the healer. It's just frustrating seeing so many people on here who seem to be completely pain free a day or two after surgery. I really believed that would be the way for me but it wasn't to be. My main worry is im 23 now and have had this fissure problem (sometimes a lot worse than others) for at least 10 years. I worry it might be impossible to fix after such a long time! Also I thought the whole point of the LIS precedure was to loosen the sphincter? My fissure certainly seems to be caused by stretching when passing stools so i should think that would work for me. I suppose he probably tried a small incision to prevent incontinence and will maybe re-do the LIS surery this time with a larger incision. To be completely honest I would rather he just risked it the 1st time! My arse is so tight I can't imagine it ever becoming TOO loose and i dont like taking time off work. But hey I'm not a Dr...

I apologise for moaning but hopefuly somebody who has had the surery and experienced the same outcome as me might have some tips for me...
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Re: Just had LIS. Quick Question.

Postby paine » 24 Feb 2017, 08:02

Hi chambers. How are you doing now? As i read your post i too wished that the lis was a magical solution as some here wrote being pain free after op. Well im past 4 weeks and not yet pain free.
I hope you are doing well.
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Re: Just had LIS. Quick Question.

Postby Chambers21 » 28 Feb 2017, 07:04

Thank you. I am doing ok. Still not sure if I'm healing or just not feeling much pain because I'm still using stool softners daily and barely eating anything other than fruit and vegetables. I had a bad few days because I stupidly went out drinking for a friends wedding and ended up with a stool that was extremely hard to pass and I think I just put myself back to day one! I certainly won't be doing that again! I'm back at work now which is annoying but my boss is letting me take half days for a while. I have a check up appointment soon and I am leaning towards asking for another LIS but ill see how it goes.

Did you have a follow up appointment and if so what did they say? I don't really feel any different than before surgery and haven't done apart from day 1 and two which is strange. It's almost as if they didn't even do the surgery or made such a small incision it didn't even do anything.
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Re: Just had LIS. Quick Question.

Postby paine » 28 Feb 2017, 08:45

Hi chambers i saw my doc 2 weeks post op and she said lis site is healed. So she is concerned on the pain i was having despite being healed as she said. She wants me to have mri and manometry when im up for it. From there she would diagnose again why there is still residual pain.
At nearly 5 weeks post op pain is getying bearable except for post bm pain which is burning and sore.
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Re: Just had LIS. Quick Question.

Postby Chambers21 » 14 Mar 2017, 12:15

Let me know how your scan goes please! I just went back for a follow up today and he said mine appears to have healed as well which is confusing because I am still in a slot of pain. He said to leave it a couple of months which is so depressing!
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Re: Just had LIS. Quick Question.

Postby paine » 14 Mar 2017, 21:21

Hi chambers. Last week i saw my crs who said everthing was healed - fissure and lis site. However she cannot understand why im still having pain. She did anal manometry on that office visit but she has not told me the result yet. She suggested anorectal ultrasound also because she thinks i may have pelvic floor pain. I just could not believe that. The pain im having is just around the anus and a little inside.
Its frustrating being almost 8 weeks post lis. Another thing after lis is that i have two new tags. Before the lis i only have 1 on the fissure site 6oclock. Now i have it on all the quadrants except on the lis side and im about to go back to work next week while im still feeling down. :sadd:
Also i noticed about 2 days ago im having clear liquid leakage on the 12 oclock tag. Its swollen and have small fissure inside. :sadd: :sadd: im so depressed.
Btw the crs referred me to pain clinic and gave me medications to cope with the pain. Lyrica did not suit me. I had terrible side effect. So im taking anti inflammatory for a week for the pain.
I will just give this a month more then i will try to get consult on another crs.
Sorry for the rant.
Btw how are you doing?
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