Hey folks,
I'll make this as brief and informative as I can.
About myself: I am 26 and I have been suffering from anal fissures since I was 18. Ive been through my shares of ups and downs (the highs being when I kept a fairly liquid diet and the lows causing depression, daily use of painkillers, and etc).
What worked for me: I have been fissure free for about a month now. I was having one of my regular dreadful nights where all I could do was lay down from the pain and it hit me! Maybe Enemas could work to provide some comfort. I started googling and quickly discovered all the info on how ppl have healed themselves with enemas! And how enemas can actually be very good for us. I have to mention that I am currently breastfeeding and so when I asked for a stool softener from the pharmacy they suggested duphalac. Upon further googling the short and long term effects of duphalac I quickly realized that I struck stool softener gold. Not only did this work quickly it was almost as if it did NO harm at all to my organs even if I took it multiple times daily and long term. You just have to make sure you drink lots and lots of water throughout the day. These two together (enema and duphalac) helped my fissure heal within a couple of days. The relief was almost instant and I loved the clean feeling (that there was no dry stool on my cuts inside).
I told my sister to do the same thing as she also has chronic fissures and it worked! She was shocked at how quickly she was back on her feet. She also suggested that I use coconut oil (no surprise since coconut oil is absolutely amazing for so many different healing purposes). I used the coconut oil to lubricate the enema. (BTW, the enema I used holds just over 400 ml and it's the one that looks like a ball with a straw coming out of it. My sister on the other hand used a fleet enema and replaced the contents with tap water.)
Anyways, I want to suggest to everyone who is suffering--- please try this solution! It may not be super permanent buy at least the method is not harmful like all these other medications! I am planning on getting the surgery done sometime next year after as I stop breastfeeding. But until then I am back to living a healthy active and happy life! All thanks to this solution
Warning!!! Use warm (almost hot) tap water for the Enemas! Do NOT use the liquids that some of them come with as they can make matters worse.
Wishing you all a speedy recovery!