i have had this problem for as long as i can remember, definitely more than 5 years and i am losing the will to live, it has also ruined my sex life, not because i want anything 'going on' down in the anal area, but the pain can actually interfere with my penis for some reason.
i dont have one fissure, i have several tears which are constantly popping up in different places, and a couple of fissures which i like to call the 'main ones' , which are always recurring.
the issue i have is i would not say i am in ''severe'' pain. i am in pain, its more of an irritating pain, but its almost constant with no respite! and the soreness down there can just be unsightly!
the very first CRS i saw (on the NHS here in England) did say that if the GTN cream did not work i would need an operation, thing is, i never saw him again! infact the person i saw after him was very young and told me i 'didnt have a fissure'

im thankful for the NHS but you cant pick and choose who you see unfortunately.
i went to a different hospital though and had the same problems seeing a different CRS at every appointment and just going round in circle till i was sent to a dermatologist, who has done the standard practice of giving me steroid cream and a very heavy moisturizer, this has made things slightly more comfortable but not really helped overall.
would i be a candidate for LIS, and how likely is it that it would work for me? being that i dont just have one single fissure which can be pinpointed.
i will be going private for my next CRS appointment (at the cost of £300 for 20 minutes