LIS in three days but I have a cold

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LIS in three days but I have a cold

Postby Still hoping » 17 Nov 2014, 20:39

I can't believe I have a cold! I have been sick for three days so far. And my surgery is in three days. I called the colorectal surgeon's office and they are talking to the doctor about it.

The cold isn't bad but I have a lot of postnasal drip and wonder if that will affect things with the anesthesia. I have an occasional cough too.

This is my third fissure and it's a minor one. I am not really having any pain with it but I don't want to keep getting these fissures.

Is it crazy to have LIS when you have a cold?
Still hoping
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Re: LIS in three days but I have a cold

Postby msimon » 17 Nov 2014, 22:38

I was coming down with something before I had my procedure and they told me that it would only be an issue if I had trouble breathing or a really bad cough. I doubt that postnasal drip would be much of an issue but that is there call. I personally didn't want to have to recover from such a traumatic procedure when I was immune compromised but if you have already had it for a few days you may be mostly over it. I don't think it would be crazy. It depends on how easy it would be to reschedule and whether you really want it right now or not.
Dec '13 Fissure from anoscope
3 X internal sphincter botox
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Feb '15 Deroofing of recurrent infection from LIS
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