Thanks for the great suggestions all. You are so sweet.
Hugs to you all!
Chacha, thanks for the suggestion but I definitely don't feel comfortable doing this. My CRS can be a bit unpredictable as far as moods go and a couple of visits ago he actually snapped at me really badly and now I am afraid to say much or ask much of him. It is odd as he seems to have 2 different reputations and I'm still trying to figure him out. I don't want to burn any bridges here. The other CRS wouldn't really offer me much unless I am in for flap surgery down the road. I know my CRS hasn't done many of these while the other has.
Canadabum, thank you as well for the suggestions. I actually did comb the College of Physicians and Surgeons website on the weekend to make sure I wasn't missing anything and if I go by the special interests indicated there there was only my CRS, the one I referred to trying to get back into and a 3rd one. I called the 3rd one today and was told he is not accepting new patients for fissure/hemmie problems. I'll have to get my GP on the task as she would likely have better resources than I but I know I have heard that we have very few CRS Doctors here. I don't know why...
As for travelling to see one and enlisting family etc. Unfortunately my family has become rather unsupportive of things like this after this long struggle. My husband is definitely not on board with the second opinion and is definitely not on board with spending any $ on it. Since I haven't worked in years that leaves me few options there. Hubby seems to think I just need more time. Maybe that is true but I just have a really bad feeling about this as this seems quite rare and seems like exactly what I went through with my fissure before the LIS. This early on though another CRS would probably not want to do anything anyway. I really was just trying to get the ball rolling as it takes so long to get into a new specialist here. I wanted to be prepared for if more time was not going to be enough. It also would help me not feel so much despair as at least I could think that maybe I wasn't at the end of the road yet.
Broncosgirl, thanks for the suggestion but as I was telling Canadabum, my husband does not support this sort of thing and he holds the purse strings rather tight these days. I also don't think I would travel well now and a phone consult would not likely be thorough enough.
I don't want it to seem like I am shooting down all your ideas. Definitely as time goes by if things don't start improving they will certainly be considerations. Unfortunately, I am stating to think the only way this is going to heal is through a colostomy, which I would do, but am not sure where I would find someone willing to do it and I definitely don't have the families support on that. Oh how nice it would be to not be terrified of my bathroom anymore!