LIS Incision will not heal

Fissure gone LIS won't heal pain

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LIS Incision will not heal

Postby caf1988 » 16 Jun 2016, 20:16

I had LIS 2 months ago and felt great 3 weeks out good healing and all. It appeared fissure was gone, healing well. At the 4 week mark more pain and bleeding, appeared to rip open again at incision site. I always feel little twinges where the fissure used to be but after 4 weeks, the incision site felt like I just had the surgery. After a couple weeks the incision site hurt less again. Then 6 weeks after experienced some green and yellow discharge and the post surgery pain level again and bleeding, took antibiotics, pain cleared up. I finished the antibiotics Tuesday. No more discharge was pain free just itching Friday thru today. Today, soft movements but pain again at the incision site after BM lasting all day. Stinging, burning, odd smell. I still take sitz baths use a travel bidet after movements. I'm not at all constipated. Almost 2 months out and I feel as bad as 1 week after surgery. This is worse than what I dealt with with the fissure as I'm in constant pain at the incision site while walking, sitting, laying. The pain goes into my vagina at times. What is wrong with me? Also my uterus will shed in 5 days - is this related? It seems cyclical in the same way. No one has any answers as I get more and more depressed. I want my life back. Anyone else had these issues?

Thanks. :cry:
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Re: LIS Incision will not heal

Postby Healingthroughdiet » 17 Jun 2016, 19:11

I am sorry to hear about you rough recovery course. I cannot say I had the same experience exactly but maybe this will help a little.
I had 2 LIS previous one 13 years ago and another 20 years ago. My last one was a few months after I had a c section . After this second LIS I remember going back to the CRS office for increasing and intense constant pain a few days later I think - can't remember exact timeline -different from fissure pain. He looked at it- said it did not appear infected but recommended that if pain did not subside he would order imaging to look for abcess or pus collection. I improved soon after that and did not need anything done . I currently Am recovering from Botox and I feel your pain.
I hope you improve soon.
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Re: LIS Incision will not heal

Postby caf1988 » 17 Jun 2016, 19:18

thanks! I have requested an MRI/ more advanced imaging so we will see :)
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Re: LIS Incision will not heal

Postby caf1988 » 18 Jun 2016, 16:48

Did it feel like a hard mass under the skin on the buttock near anal canal opening? That's where I've discovered the pain is radiating from. There isn't a bump or anything but it's hard when I press on the area near the incision.
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Re: LIS Incision will not heal

Postby Pugluver88 » 02 Sep 2016, 04:21

What do you do for the itching
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