LIS Recovery

Healing recovery journey after fissure surgery.

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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Re: LIS Recovery

Postby Amychristine » 28 Mar 2022, 15:05

Thissucks08 Hopefully, I had pain at 8 weeks trying to go off the laxative and then again at 14 from eating too much fiber and coffee. I would totally recommend the niphedipine, if your surgery is taking a bit longer to heal I don’t see why the cream wouldn’t help. I do agree with rich stress can make it bad but it’s so hard to control. If you do go and see your surgeon they should be able to do an exam and see if it’s the incision or the tear. I have a feeling it’s likely the tear and the incision is healed. Have you tried looking in the mirror to see what’s going on? I know it can be a bit awkward lol. I totally use my flashlight on my phone so I can see things well when I do.
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Re: LIS Recovery

Postby Amychristine » 29 Mar 2022, 10:17

Also I’d like to add I wouldn’t use an old cream because it looses its potency. I would get a refill done so it’s nice and strong.
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Re: LIS Recovery

Postby Thissucks08 » 29 Mar 2022, 20:32

@Rich44- I 100% do believe you when you say the more I stress about this the longer it will take to heal, because you & are right I do think about this constantly. It's hard to not stress/think about it when I still don't feel normal, but right now I've told myself I need to start being more positive and not think about this as much. I am also going to do the things you guys have suggested. So thank you very much :)
@Amy- You're right it is awkward lol, I have tried to check myself and I don't see where the incision would be at so I don't know if the incision from the outside has healed but still healing from the inside of the incision. I do plan on asking when I go back on Tuesday if the cream will help and forsure going to ask for a refill if he says yes.
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Re: LIS Recovery

Postby Amychristine » 27 May 2022, 20:10

Thissucks08 Hey sorry I forgot to respond to you. I just bought one of those magnifying mirrors with a light man they work great! How is everything going now?
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Re: LIS Recovery

Postby pafky » 21 May 2024, 13:49

Hi Amy. Are you healed?
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Re: LIS Recovery

Postby Amychristine » 19 Aug 2024, 09:29

Hi, no I am not. I am having one last surgery soon. I do not regret getting previous ones because my flare ups are no where near as bad.
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