LIS Surgery 4 Weeks ago with Hemorrhoid Banding

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LIS Surgery 4 Weeks ago with Hemorrhoid Banding

Postby razireaver » 06 Aug 2022, 02:40

Hi all,

After suffering from an anal fissure which developed in September last year, I went through LIS and haemorhoid banding exactly 4 weeks ago. Ever since the surgery, I am still experiencing spams pains. One week after the surgery I contacted my surgeon, he said there is no need to worry yet. The banding might be the problem but it will resolve in week two. My symptoms before the surgery are exactly what I am having even after the surgery. I have no pain when I get up in the morning and during the BM. The pain starts to come a few minutes after the BM and slowly increases during the day. Walking or standing are excruciating when the pain is at its worse. Sitting or laying down in bed are not that painful. I am wondering if anyone else was in a similar situation after LIS, still having spasm pains. It is very disappointing to be in this position. I also had a failed botox in March. So it is double the disappointment and I have been pretty much in misery since last September. I would appreciate if you have any advise or can share your own experiences with me. Thanks - Razi
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Re: LIS Surgery 4 Weeks ago with Hemorrhoid Banding

Postby Dust 2 Dust » 10 Aug 2022, 16:00

How are you now? I had botox almost 2 weeks ago and thus far haven't gotten any relief from it.
March 2022 Suffered anal fissure.

April-May 2022 Went undiagnosed because GP couldn't see the fissure.

June 1st 2022 Officially diagnosed with fissure by GI and given nefedapine.

July 2022 Botox injection under anesthesia
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Re: LIS Surgery 4 Weeks ago with Hemorrhoid Banding

Postby razireaver » 17 Aug 2022, 03:20

I am still having pain after BM. The pain comes in gradually and then becomes quite strong toward the end of the day. I do not know what is wrong. I had a follow up appointment with my CRS after 4 weeks who said he can't see the fissure. But my pelvic floor spasms are still happening and causing a lot of pain. My doctor has prescribed some muscle relaxant that has helped a bit. But I do not understand why the pain I feel now is worse than before the surgery. I am meeting my CRS again after a few weeks so will ask him what the next step is. It could be seeing a pelvic floor physio. I feel as if I am getting to the end of the rope.
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Re: LIS Surgery 4 Weeks ago with Hemorrhoid Banding

Postby Rlt78 » 17 Aug 2022, 07:50

Hi Razi, sorry to hear your healing is so frustrating. So you and the doctor are sure it’s pelvic floor issues? It’s not maybe a fistula? When I had my fistula the pain was excruciating. I’m about 6.5 weeks post surgery for fissure and fistula and still have some consistent low grade pain after bm. I’m praying my fistula hasn’t reappeared but I’m seeing my doctor in a few weeks and plan to get a second opinion as well.

Are you seeing any bleeding or discharge? So your spasms are the same as pre surgery?

Definitely sounds a bit peculiar. I maybe would also suggest you get a second opinion if you can.

Take care
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Re: LIS Surgery 4 Weeks ago with Hemorrhoid Banding

Postby razireaver » 18 Aug 2022, 01:55

Thanks Rlt78. My CRS visually inspected me with a finger and said everything looks normal. He didn't say it was a fistula or something. I haven't bled for over 3 weeks now. My sphincter is not tight as I can pass gas easily whereas before the surgery I couldn't really do that. The pain that comes in is quite gradual after the BM and gets stronger as the day progresses. Worse during the evening. Laying down in bed or sitting makes the pain disappear. When I get up in the morning, I don't have any pain. It starts after the BM. Could it be that having a chronic fissure for that long (since September 2021) has caused the other pelvic floor muscles to also spasm. I have read several other on this site who experienced something similar. Taking muscle relaxant for the past few days has helped immensely. What symptoms were you having of the fistula? I will ask my CRS in 2 weeks time to eliminate all other causes.
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Re: LIS Surgery 4 Weeks ago with Hemorrhoid Banding

Postby Rlt78 » 18 Aug 2022, 14:00

Hi Razi, well at least you are finding some relief with the muscle relaxant. And that’s good that you’re not having any bleeding. I have also heard that a prolonged fissure can cause lots of other issues, such as pelvic floor problems.

For me, I feel like my fistula may have come back because I’m still having some discharge and random spotting/blood. And my discharge at times does appear greenish.

Similar to you, my pain starts to rise after my bm, my pain never gets too high but it’s annoying and stinging and is discomforting. Again, I’m almost two months since my surgery so I don’t know if this is normal or should I worry. I love to read the success stories here but I also can’t help but read the stories of surgery failure. So my mind races a bit.

My pain has definitely never risen to the level as before surgery but still bothersome. I’m just confused. I’m looking to get a 2nd opinion from another doctor but scheduling with a new CRS is like trying to get a meeting with the Queen of England.
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Re: LIS Surgery 4 Weeks ago with Hemorrhoid Banding

Postby razireaver » 14 Sep 2022, 04:00

Hi there, I read in one of your post that your CRS prescribed a nitro based medication to reduce the spasm. Can you please let me know what it was called. I am about 2 months post LIS and my CRS seems to think that I am having pelvic floor issues. I went to see a Pelvic Floor Specialist but the first visit wasn't that helpful. How are you doing after your LIS? I hope you are feeling better now. Thanks.
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