Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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Postby Shoelady23 » 26 Apr 2016, 21:34

Hi I'm new to this site & I'm very scarred I will tell you my journey on what has been going on with me an would love any feedback.
Last year I was going through a really stressful time in my life move after move when I noticed blood after a bowel movement so I went made an appointment with a Gastroenterologist she basically was zero help she lied an left me more scarred cause if anyone knows Google your symptoms which I've done countless times left me thinking OH LORD do I have the big C.
That was in July 2015 well I didn't go back to her but my symptoms only got worse every time I has to make a bowel movement it became a chore I was like what today pain burn sting blood well all of the above so now it's Oct 2015 & I now am having upper abdominal pain so I go to the ER another rectal examination EKG Ultrasound CAT Scan urine test 12 tubes of blood well after 9 hours I'm diagnosed with hemmroids & gastritis so I follow up with a CRAZY whom I love & trust he says you have very LARGE hemmroids he bands them month later still having the burning an bleeding well now I have to have LIS surgery next Friday I'm really scarred cause I want this nightmare over I don't take pain pills cause they make me sick so I was wondering if the pain is really that bad after the surgery I do have a very hight tolerance to pain but I'm hoping it's not as bad as I have read I know I need to stay off WebMD :)
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Postby Shoelady23 » 26 Apr 2016, 21:37

Sorry typo meant CRS not Crazy HAHAHAHA
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