LIS surgery

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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Re: LIS surgery

Postby ouchie25 » 23 Dec 2016, 20:09

Day 3: Yesterday was a breeze, just worked from home in bed all day and felt fine. But today I can now feel like something is going on down there, it's not pain just a tiny bit of discomfort. The worst part about this at the moment is the excessive thirst, either from the tramadol or fagyl. I havent really eaten yet either, I just don't have the appetite. I think I'm also dreading the first BM, I'm sure that will come tomorrow after all the Christmas food eekk!
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Re: LIS surgery

Postby ouchie25 » 23 Dec 2016, 20:24

Also, I just checked my bum out and I can't see any incision or anything, just bruising... weird? Apart from the bruising it looks as though nothing has happened..
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Re: LIS surgery

Postby chachacha » 23 Dec 2016, 21:12

Some surgeons do the surgery through your anus while using a contraption to hold it open while they work. If your surgeon has gone in that way, you would never see the incision because it is the inner sphincter that they cut and it is out of sight further in.
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Re: LIS surgery

Postby ouchie25 » 24 Dec 2016, 08:27

My first BM. It was super soft and I had no pain during - hurrah! But now my butt is hurting and spasming - I even have a throbbing pain in my butt cheek.. its like the whole area down there is aching about a 6/10.

I've taken a bath and it hasn't helped, might just have another pain killer and try to get some sleep..
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Re: LIS surgery

Postby Mypoorbutt » 24 Dec 2016, 09:07

Hi ouchie,
Glad you have managed your first BM if I was you I would take a pain killer I don't think I did myself any favours by letting the pain/spasm cycle set in. It does get better my second BM only caused about a level 4 with no was only because my IBS kicked in on the second week that I had it so rough. I'm sure by new year you will be feeling like the old you
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Re: LIS surgery

Postby ouchie25 » 25 Dec 2016, 02:45

Day 4: Thanks MPB! You were right, my second BM I just had was fine, and had no spasm after it! I can now feel pain where the incision is, but overall the pain is about a 3/4. Feeling excited for what the next few weeks bring! :pray:
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Re: LIS surgery

Postby Mypoorbutt » 25 Dec 2016, 04:18

Yay ouchie so happy...from others experiences it only gets better from this point I bet by new year all this will be a bad memory x
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Re: LIS surgery

Postby ouchie25 » 26 Dec 2016, 06:46

Day 5: Today is the first day off tramdol. I have had 2 very runny BMs today and have had no pain from the fissure, the pain now is purely from the incision. I cant sneeze without pain in there, but it's tolerable about a 5. I just couldn't stand being so zoned out with the tramadol all day long, I basically slept all through Christmas and was just SO fatigued, but I think now I'm fine to be off it. I still have one more day of antibiotics which I'm excited to get off too, but will keep up 2 movicol a day until I'm really healed then drop it back to 1.

I'm planning to go shopping with the family tomorrow so it'll be interesting how I hold up. I'm sure I'll be fine, each day is getting better and better. :sunny:
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Re: LIS surgery

Postby Mypoorbutt » 26 Dec 2016, 12:46

Glad your off painkillers and if you can have a runny poop without pain then I would guess your op has been a success and it's only upwards from here....
Hope tomorrow goes well I'm sure you will do fine, well done Ouchie I'm so pleased LIS worked so well and so quickly for you.
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Re: LIS surgery

Postby ouchie25 » 30 Dec 2016, 14:21

Day 9: So far so good. I can now sit down quite comfortably so I think I could def go back to my desk job now. Getting in and out of the car is now fine too! Overall I'm in no pain during the day now, and not on any pain medication at all.

I'm still bathing twice a day and after a BM if I'm home. I have cut back to 1 movicol so now I'm only going to the bathroom once a day, so they are formed but still nice and soft, and with this I have 0 fissure pain and maybe a 2/10 pain on my incision. Wiping is still tender with wet wipes, but no spasm.

As for incontinace, I can control everything including gas, however i am having some very minor soiling/leakage each day. But it's nothing to complain about if I'm no longer in agony every day. This experience so far has been almost easier than Botox, I guess because the Botox took a while to kick in. No regrets at all at this stage, hoping it will continue to be a success! :rainbow:
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