Day 9: So far so good. I can now sit down quite comfortably so I think I could def go back to my desk job now. Getting in and out of the car is now fine too! Overall I'm in no pain during the day now, and not on any pain medication at all.
I'm still bathing twice a day and after a BM if I'm home. I have cut back to 1 movicol so now I'm only going to the bathroom once a day, so they are formed but still nice and soft, and with this I have 0 fissure pain and maybe a 2/10 pain on my incision. Wiping is still tender with wet wipes, but no spasm.
As for incontinace, I can control everything including gas, however i am having some very minor soiling/leakage each day. But it's nothing to complain about if I'm no longer in agony every day. This experience so far has been almost easier than Botox, I guess because the Botox took a while to kick in. No regrets at all at this stage, hoping it will continue to be a success!