Lis Surgery


Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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Lis Surgery

Postby pleasehelpmybutt » 28 May 2017, 13:32

Hello ,

I'm new here so this would be my first post.

It all started 2 months ago after I had started a diet and did not eat fibers at all .

After 2 months of pain decided to go with the LIS surgery ( It was the opened one that allows the fissure to close itself)

The surgery was done on 20/5/2017 and I had been in the hospital for 4 days from that day until 24/05/2017 for the doctors to make sure I do not bleed and also get the medicine for the pain after the OP.

I have arrived home on 24/05/2017 and could not go to the bathroom because before the opration I had taken some dulcolax to not have a slip on the doctor hands when he cuts my inner sfincter.

Also I could not go to the bathroom because I was scared of the pain .

First day 25/05/2017 I have thaken again dulcolax and had the first BM that was painfullllll .

Second day 26/05/2017 1 BM in the morning that was painfull .

Third day 27/05/2017 1 BM in the morning this time the pain was not that bad.

Fourth day that will be today 28/05/2017 had 3 BM's that I had no pain and I felt like a normal person again .

The concern that I have now is that after 30 min -1hr i fell like i'm wet and after i wipe it with toilet paper a yellowish liquid that has no smell is on the paper.

I pressumed that this was because my sfincter is relaxed now for the fissure to heal because I also could not keep some of the gases , but it is driving me crazy.

Could some one tell me will it ever stop ? I know that one of the risks of this operation is fecal incontinence but I did not soiled myself until now just the fluide that is in small ammounts.

Could some one tell me that had this type if surgery is this normal ? will it ever stop ? will my sfincter get its power back ?

Right now the only medication that I thake is

- Devaricid ( helps with the blood flow )
- Sitz Baths 2-3 a day for 15 minutes.

Thank You.
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Re: Lis Surgery

Postby pleasehelpmybutt » 29 May 2017, 06:27

No one ? :(
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Re: Lis Surgery

Postby Mr Fissure » 29 May 2017, 06:56

Hi pleasehelpmybutt,

Hope things are a little better for you today.

I can't really answer your query, because my experience after LIS was quite different to yours, though I'm at week 7 now and still no better unfortunately (here's my thread: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=11694).

However, I know there are quite a few people that did experience this discharge, and there are several threads on here that discuss it, and I'd have thought worth reading in your case. I think probably you're body is going through a period of adjustment and your IS will be weak as its just been cut and needs to recover (it is only 9 days since your op!). It will regain its strength though and hopefully you're current problem will resolve itself.

I would take it as a very good sign that you had no pain after 3 BM's and are already feeling like a normal person again...

Take care and try not to worry too much...
Mr F
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Re: Lis Surgery

Postby pleasehelpmybutt » 29 May 2017, 07:02

Thank you so much Mr Fissure , I really needed the words that you have said just to help me ease my mind.

Thank you again for this.

As for today again after the morning BM had no pain or disconfort.

Hope the discharge will also stop at a point.

And I really hope you will get better as well as I have read your post and I really do hope that next time that you post will be in the AF success story.
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Re: Lis Surgery

Postby Mr Fissure » 29 May 2017, 08:18

Its no problem, pleasehelpmybutt. It can be a solitary condition, and I know full well how it really can play havoc with your mindset. Only someone who's suffered an anal fissure can truly understand how you're feeling. But you aren't alone, as you can see on this forum there are plenty of others going through it too (sadly!).

I'm only sorry I can't really help you, but it might be worth your while posting on one of the threads I talked about to find someone who has experienced the symptoms you have, who might be able to put your mind at ease.

Good to hear that again you are not in pain or even discomofort. That is fantastic porgress for just 9 days! I personally believe time will probably be all that you need to help you fully heal, but if you are still concerned, perhaps you could consult your CRS for advice/reassurance.

And thank you for the best wishes. My LIS hasn't gone to plan so far, and unfortunately I've had a bad 5 or 6 days on the trot now, after having a brief glimmer of hope last weekend. The good thing is I see my CRS in 4 days time, where I'll at least find out what's going wrong and (hopefully!) come up with a plan on how to get better - fingers crossed!

Take care and keep us posted,
Mr F
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Re: Lis Surgery

Postby Mr Fissure » 29 May 2017, 08:20

Sorry, double post...
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Re: Lis Surgery

Postby pleasehelpmybutt » 29 May 2017, 08:57

Hello Mr Fissure,

Hope it ends well for you as well and I hope the best for you.

I will see the CRS tomorrow morning for a check up .

Take care as well .
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Re: Lis Surgery

Postby Mr Fissure » 29 May 2017, 16:39


Good luck with your CRS tomorrow - let us know how it goes...
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Re: Lis Surgery

Postby pleasehelpmybutt » 30 May 2017, 07:08

I went today to the CRS it seems that the fissure is healing up and that is why I had no more pain when BM.

Also I have asked about the issue with the discharge and it seems this is normal until I will be fully healed.

He cut the mucus from the internal sfincter to get to the muscle and that is why the yellowish liquide comes out from my butt so he reassured me that this is normal.

So I'm really hopefull that this will go away as any bad nightmare that you have.
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Re: Lis Surgery

Postby Mr Fissure » 31 May 2017, 11:57

Oh that's great news, pleasehelpmybutt, really pleased for you! :cheers:

That sounds a really reassuring meeting. Sounds like you just need to stay calm and patient now, let time take its effect, and I'm sure you'll be feeling great again in no time!

All the very best,
Mr F
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