by momof7 » 08 Jun 2013, 19:32
I am doing well. I started with percocet every 5 hours, then bumped it to four. Read on my dr.d orders page that I can have the valium every 6 hours, so right now I'm taking the percocet and valium at the same time with 600-800 mg. motrin at the 3 hour interval between the Rx meds.
The local began wearing off some last night. The tub is still my best friend.
Having difficulty finding the opening for applying the cream I have...all the "landmarks" are gone. HaHa.
After my tub soaks, I use the hair dryer to dry the area, apply the cream externally, then wait about 15 minutes and try to insert the cream. The stitches scare me...but it's more knowing that they are there than actually feeling them tugging. I'm black and blue today, but I expected that.
I feel pretty good.
I wasn't given any hard and fast rules for diet, so I started with broth and toast (dipped in the broth), jello, and canned soup, and very thin oatmeal.
Today canned peaches, oatmeal,soup, graham crackers with meds.
Have had a very small, very loose bm and the gas is passing some. Actually looking forward to my first real bm. Expect it to be very loose. Still using miralax, soluble fiber supplement, and drinking loads of liquids.
Initially, I had difficulty urinating, and when I did it was very slow going. As the local wears off and the valium and cream kick in, I can have almost normal urine flow.
Feeling better than I expected and hoping that I will notice when to increase my percocets to 2 every 6 or 1 every four. I plan to stay on top of the pain, using alarm clock at night to be sure I don't wake up in misery.
Dry mouth has been terrible from one of the nausea meds they gave me intravenously. Throat is sore from intubation and extubation, but not badly.
Thanks for the encouragement. I must say, I had worse pain with the spasms when I first figured out what was going on than what I'm experiencing now.
I think if I'd only had the LIS I'd be almost pain free..but all those stitches...I'm a baby when it comes to stitches.
Best wishes again, Edel.
Juls, hope you are having a decent recovery too!