LIS was yeaterday - so far so good

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LIS was yeaterday - so far so good

Postby Lewarctj » 08 Jun 2017, 05:55

I had my LIS yesterday and so far so good. I had a very deep chronic fissure that had formed an abcess and a fitula was starting to form. I had thought I felt a painful bump in the rear of my rectum and was worried this all was something more serious. Turns out that bump was the abcess.

Anyway, I have immediate relief from the LIS but still some discomfort. My rectum was packed with surgifoam and is still in there. Somehow this is supposed to be passed with my first BM...god I'm worried about that! Anyway just wanted to share a more positive early experience.
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Re: LIS was yeaterday - so far so good

Postby raoden » 14 Jun 2017, 14:52

Hi Lewarctj,

I had my LIS on 06/07 as well. I know this is late, but the first BM was no where near as bad as I was fearing. It was nothing compared to the pre fissure pain. I have been recovering well so far. Able to move reasonably well. Also I managed to sit for few hours with no issues today. I still have pain after BM but it stops quite quickly.

Hopefully you are healing fine as well. Do continue to post.
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