Local Anesthetic Cream

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Local Anesthetic Cream

Postby JaimeDeschain » 21 Oct 2022, 15:36

Has anybody ever tried using a local anesthetic cream on the effected area? My Surgen has just prescribed me one (can't remember the name of it right now). He says all fissures are healed (not sure I believe him) and that the pain must be from scar tissue so there aren't really any other options left for me to try :nope:
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Re: Local Anesthetic Cream

Postby Rich44 » 22 Oct 2022, 18:36

JaimeDeschain wrote:Has anybody ever tried using a local anesthetic cream on the effected area? My Surgen has just prescribed me one (can't remember the name of it right now). He says all fissures are healed (not sure I believe him) and that the pain must be from scar tissue so there aren't really any other options left for me to try :nope:
What is the name of the cream? Is your surgeon a colorectal surgeon? Did you have a surgery yet?
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Re: Local Anesthetic Cream

Postby JaimeDeschain » 22 Oct 2022, 19:18

Not sure what its called, I've gone and lost the prescription, going to try and get another one on Monday so will let you know then. Yes he was a colorectal surgeon, I've had Botox and LIS but that was at least 5 years ago. Not sure if the scar tissue is from the fissure or the LIS but I really hope that isn't the problem. I would much prefer it to be a fissure because at least that is curable.
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