Looking to connect for daily support

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Re: Looking to connect for daily support

Postby Bluecat » 24 Jan 2022, 11:41

I like your list of at leasts. Yes, I do a heating pad too.
I have picked up some sort of flu and am vomiting and have multiple poops a day. This causes me to live in the bath cuz I'm constantly needing to rinse (I dont use toilet paper anymore).
And I'm not eating or getting my water because I'm throwing up so I'm so stressed about the next poop and the next. Sigh.......
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Re: Looking to connect for daily support

Postby softie » 29 Jan 2022, 16:13

I'm sorry to hear that you got the flu on top of everything! Are you feeling a bit better now?
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Re: Looking to connect for daily support

Postby Emmab » 04 Feb 2022, 04:15

Hi guyz

Hope you good I'm having a setback due to not eating any fiber itz been really bad I hope you don't mind me messaging I've been on here almost 2yearz and haven't spoke much I've been quiet about it but it would be nice to have a friend thatz going through the same thing az me I did message but not sure if it sent
I figured out wayz to make thingz easier but now I feel iz life worth living
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Re: Looking to connect for daily support

Postby MrAndersonC » 04 Feb 2022, 15:55

Well funny that by accident your post is the first one I accidentally stumble upon as I'm new here. I am also in Canada so that's neat. I live in Western Canada. I am also stressed and depressed about my issues so looking to connect with people. I haven't made a post yet detailing my issues as there's so much to try to tell that I'm hoping to make my draft shorter in fear noome will read it all lol. So nice to meet you and I'll join your support group!!
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Re: Looking to connect for daily support

Postby Yishai » 06 Feb 2022, 00:16

Throwing my lot in for Bluecat and MrAndersonC - fellow Canadian sufferer here, in Toronto. Tried to make a post a while back rallying those of us in this country as a lot of the info here seems to be from the US and the UK, which, when it comes to accessing medical institutions, is terribly inapplicable. Finally saw a CRS in December after a half-year wait who said if I DID want to do LIS (which he recommended against if at all possible), it'd be another six month wait approximately. Who knows how the covid backlog could affect that.

Anyway, just getting my foot in the door in case I have any info or resources that end up being useful to y'all. Not meaning to plug but feel free to find my post I mentioned above and add to it - I think it'd be a good resources from others living in this country down the line. Practitioners, drugs available or not, etc...
Fissure 1: Jan. - Mar. 2018 (spontaneous/stomach flu heal)
Fissure 2: Jan. - Apr. 2021 (diet/medical therapy?)
Fissure 3: Nov. - Dec. 2021 (low fibre/PEG)

Ongoing hemorrhoidal/pelvic floor/anal sensitivity issues...
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Re: Looking to connect for daily support

Postby Rich44 » 08 Feb 2022, 20:38

Bluecat wrote:I like your list of at leasts. Yes, I do a heating pad too.
I have picked up some sort of flu and am vomiting and have multiple poops a day. This causes me to live in the bath cuz I'm constantly needing to rinse (I dont use toilet paper anymore).
And I'm not eating or getting my water because I'm throwing up so I'm so stressed about the next poop and the next. Sigh.......
Install a bidet on your toilet. I did in 2019 and I love it! The only thing better will be a heated water bidet which I hope to get in the future. The other thing that is a must is a sitz bath for the toilet so you never have to sit in the tub. Not sure why you don't use toilet paper anymore but with a bidet you can reduce your use to very little.
Fissure June 2014 - Oct 2020
Botox, skin tag removed - Feb 2015
Levator Ani Sep 2014 - Feb 2016 (left job, cured!)
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Re: Looking to connect for daily support

Postby Rich44 » 08 Feb 2022, 20:45

Yishai wrote:Throwing my lot in for Bluecat and MrAndersonC - fellow Canadian sufferer here, in Toronto. Tried to make a post a while back rallying those of us in this country as a lot of the info here seems to be from the US and the UK, which, when it comes to accessing medical institutions, is terribly inapplicable. Finally saw a CRS in December after a half-year wait who said if I DID want to do LIS (which he recommended against if at all possible), it'd be another six month wait approximately. Who knows how the covid backlog could affect that.

Anyway, just getting my foot in the door in case I have any info or resources that end up being useful to y'all. Not meaning to plug but feel free to find my post I mentioned above and add to it - I think it'd be a good resources from others living in this country down the line. Practitioners, drugs available or not, etc...
Your CRS advised you to NOT get the LIS? :o Wow. My CRS said it simple, "Do the LIS and get on with your life." I did and haven't looked back. All of the fissure issues are long gone. I go to the bathroom normal again with zero pain. After all these years do you really think you can treat it for the rest of your life? Being in Canada makes it tricky for you. I don't know the level of expertise your CRS has but mine is an active teacher on the national and international level and has trained medical students, general surgery residents, colorectal surgery residents, and minimally invasive surgery fellows. He is Vice-Chair of Surgery and Chief of Colon and Rectal Surgery Division at Advocate Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge, IL and a nice guy! Yes, I did copy that from his page but it might give you an idea of where your CRS stands.
Fissure June 2014 - Oct 2020
Botox, skin tag removed - Feb 2015
Levator Ani Sep 2014 - Feb 2016 (left job, cured!)
LIS, skin tags removed - Oct 2020
Fissure 100% healed - Nov 2020
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