I have tried very hard to stay optimistic for there last 14 months, but after trying conservative methods and creams, two rounds of Botox, cauterization, and now LIS, I am losing hope.
I am three weeks post-LIS. Right after surgery, I was bleeding a lot more and had spasms. It went down, but still every other day or two, I see light blood. Hardly any pain, though, which is one thing to be thankful for. It seems no matter what I do, my body and fissure have a mind of its own. Any slight scrape during a bm leads to bleeding. If I have a 4 or 5, it's still too hard. If it's softer, I have problems with going more often and irritation of the fissure from the pressure during the bm. I can't win.
This surgery is supposed to be 99% effective. It doesn't give me much hope that anything will change if I am back to where I was three weeks after surgery. Any words or experiences of encouragement?