Losing hope

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Losing hope

Postby vdb324 » 20 Apr 2014, 09:20

I have tried very hard to stay optimistic for there last 14 months, but after trying conservative methods and creams, two rounds of Botox, cauterization, and now LIS, I am losing hope.

I am three weeks post-LIS. Right after surgery, I was bleeding a lot more and had spasms. It went down, but still every other day or two, I see light blood. Hardly any pain, though, which is one thing to be thankful for. It seems no matter what I do, my body and fissure have a mind of its own. Any slight scrape during a bm leads to bleeding. If I have a 4 or 5, it's still too hard. If it's softer, I have problems with going more often and irritation of the fissure from the pressure during the bm. I can't win.

This surgery is supposed to be 99% effective. It doesn't give me much hope that anything will change if I am back to where I was three weeks after surgery. Any words or experiences of encouragement?
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Re: Losing hope

Postby owmybum » 20 Apr 2014, 10:04

I have to say, 3 weeks is still pretty early days for some. Maybe you are just one of those peeps it takes a little bit longer to really start to notice any improvement.
Not having much pain is a really encouraging sign though... So you must be on track.
Hopefully someone who has had LIS will come on and give you a few words of encouragement!

fissure after hem banding and tag removal feb 11
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Re: Losing hope

Postby vdb324 » 20 Apr 2014, 13:41

Thanks, OMB. It is good, as I'd prefer the blood over pain any day, but I really would just to love to be done with it altogether!
Feb. 2013 - Developed AF
July 2013 - Diagnosed AF;nifidepine lidocaine treatment
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Re: Losing hope

Postby Tight5 » 21 Apr 2014, 13:59

vdb324, hang in there. I mentioned in reply to your note in my LIS diary that I was seeing blood through the third and fourth weeks following surgery. At six weeks the doc said the incision looked to be almost completely healed and bleeding and drainage have pretty much stopped altogether.

I'm holding together with the realization that in my mid-40s my body just doesn't heal as quickly as it used to...and certainly not as quickly as I would like it to. Stay positive and let the process play out. These things take time.
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Re: Losing hope

Postby Still hoping » 21 Apr 2014, 17:32

Hi Vdb,

Hang in there, it sounds really discouraging but maybe give it a little more time. It seems like some people heal faster after LIS than others do. Keep us updated.
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Re: Losing hope

Postby vdb324 » 21 Apr 2014, 18:16

Thanks all. It's hard when you hear others' virtually immediate recovery. I supposed I do have to keep in mind that everyone is different. Thanks for all of your support and encouragement.
Feb. 2013 - Developed AF
July 2013 - Diagnosed AF;nifidepine lidocaine treatment
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Re: Losing hope

Postby sotiredofthis » 02 May 2014, 18:48

How are you doing vdb? I understand your feelings I really do. My cousin had this surgery on a Thursday with my same surgeon and was back to work on Monday. That would be like me going back to work today and there is NO WAY! I still can't even sit down.

Just wanted to empathize with you. Let us know how you are okay? We're here for you.
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Re: Losing hope

Postby Rachael 1984 » 03 May 2014, 02:40

Hope you are doing okay... Thinking of you. Xx
Hem Banding sept 2012
Nitro- Effective short term
April 2013-Botox-Effective short term
Diltazem-No effect, developed Rash
July 2014-Diagnosed High Resting Pressure
LIS performed on 17.9.14
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Re: Losing hope

Postby vdb324 » 03 May 2014, 09:09

Thanks, Rachael. The last few days have been better. It is very much a roller coaster ride, but I am seeing more good days than bad, which I feel is encouraging! And that's not even pain -- just blood.
Feb. 2013 - Developed AF
July 2013 - Diagnosed AF;nifidepine lidocaine treatment
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