It started on June 28th, my 33rd birthday. Nice present, eh? I had been having back and forth diarrhea and constipation for a week or more, and painful BM’s. I had a bad habit of sitting on the toilet for way longer than I should have, and straining to force a poo out. On the 28th after coming home from the movies I went to the bathroom and bright red blood shot into the toilet with a big painful fart. Needless to say, this sent me into a panic. I have an anxiety disorder and stressing and worrying about stuff is what I do, so I spent the next few days Googling and convincing myself I had colon cancer. My grandmother got colon cancer in her 80s, so that’s where my mind went. All the worrying, I’m sure, just made my stomach more upset. I’m fairly sure I have IBS, related to my anxiety disorder. I get gas, painful bloating, sometimes aching in the left side of my gut, stomach noises, etc.
The blood in the bowl/on the stool lasted a couple days.
I was able to get the diarrhea and constipation back and forth thing under control using Benefiber and eating differently. The bleeding stopped.
A week or so later I stupidly sat on the toilet too long again and strained. Out came a painful poo that felt like razor blades. I knew before I stood up that there would be blood in the bowl. Yup. I was right. And so the cycle continued. I’m almost certain it’s a fissure. When I have a soft, normal poo everything is normal. Whenever I have the tearing, glass shards pain - I have blood. It usually turns the water red and leaves red streaks on the stool.
Considering I only bleed when I have that razor blade pain, would you regulars here agree it sounds like a fissure? My guess is I have IBS, and the IBS and bad habits led to hemmies and fissures. Right now my poos are bulkier but it’s like they’re too big, and keep tearing me up.
I know, everything online says if there’s blood always tell your doctor. I’m trying to avoid that. I can’t even take my shirt off without having a panic attack, so having someone examine my butt and insides is something I’d like to avoid if possible.
Would using Miralax help me heal, you think? And is the fact that I only bleed when I have the sharp razor blades pain a good sign that it isn’t cancer?