Mag Citrate and AF

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Mag Citrate and AF

Postby Kistome » 23 Mar 2019, 19:35

I just read that you shouldn’t take Magnesium Citrate when you have an anal fissure with bleeding. Now I’m scared. I wondered why the bleeding seemed way more intense this time. Thoughts?
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Re: Mag Citrate and AF

Postby Abu » 23 Mar 2019, 23:42

The internet is full of conflicting advice. I take magensium for 5 years with no side effects and there are plenty others who do this to help with fissure, including on this forum.
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Re: Mag Citrate and AF

Postby chrosy » 13 Dec 2020, 00:31

Hi Abu, are you taking magnesium citrate? What's your dose and schedule in taking magnesium?
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Re: Mag Citrate and AF

Postby Stingeyringey » 16 Feb 2021, 16:58

I keep trying to post and the damn thing keeps not working...I'm going to par this response right down until I find out what's happening.

Mag citrate kept my pooping the consistency of soft scoop ice cream for 6 months and I had no ill effects whatsoever. So far as I can tell the advice about "don't take it" on the internet is mainly "Oh no, it may be habit forming!" - the same advice on osmotic stool softeners of all sorts but CRS's still say "take X for the rest of your life" to some people. Now personally, I don't think taking anything permamently your body was not evolved to take is a good idea but I had 6 months on 400mg of mag citrate in the morning and it did more for me than the damn creams ever did.

I'm literally trying to post a long screed about how I think I *may* have healed a 5 year chronic fissure by taking 400mg daily for 6 months (some recent bleeding, albeit without pain, makes me wonder, and I'm waiting in considerable annoyance to see if it self resolves).

Long story short I'd recommend it.
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Re: Mag Citrate and AF

Postby Magnesium Lover » 04 Mar 2021, 05:49

I started taking mag citrate years ago for my fissure and at a time it was bleeding. I've taken then every day ever since and not personally had a problem and it's kept my fissure problem at bay all these years. I take two Solgate magnesium citrate tablets daily.
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Re: Mag Citrate and AF

Postby Elisa » 05 Apr 2021, 07:55

Hello! I have a question about magnesium. Does it bulk your stool? I'm thinking about giving it a try, but I'm afraid it can make my stool bigger as I had this problem in the past with other supplements. When the stool is very big I go back to square one. Thanks for your help!
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Re: Mag Citrate and AF

Postby Rich44 » 05 Apr 2021, 13:09

Elisa wrote:Hello! I have a question about magnesium. Does it bulk your stool? I'm thinking about giving it a try, but I'm afraid it can make my stool bigger as I had this problem in the past with other supplements. When the stool is very big I go back to square one. Thanks for your help!
Hi, I'm just curious. You normally want your stool to be soft and bulky; have you spoken to a professional about your issue? Usually it's the smaller dry stool that causes the most problems. I never heard of magnesium for AF so I can't help you there.
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Re: Mag Citrate and AF

Postby Elisa » 05 Apr 2021, 14:00

Hello, small dry stool is a problem but when it's too big the fissure tears up again. The doctor recommended to take Miralax but I already take it for two years so I would like to find a natural alternative. It also upsets my stomach lately. I thought to give Magnesium a try but I would like to know if it bulks the stool as fiber does. Thanks!
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Re: Mag Citrate and AF

Postby Rich44 » 05 Apr 2021, 14:33

You've taken Miralax for two years? Every day? Isn't long term use dangerous for colon motility? My main issue turned out to be tension. Once my fissure started I would tighten up because I was so worried it would reopen and it only made it worse (but I didn't KNOW that). Anyway good luck. I'm approaching my 6 month LIS anniversary and I have had no issues when going to the bathroom. I use a squatty potty everytime and it's been gold. Yesterday I had a dry hard stool in clumps that normally would cause a fissure. But I relaxed, let things come naturally and there was no pain, no blood, no problem. The squatty potty helps me get into more of a natural squat position as if I was outdoors in the woods which helps your bowel movements big time. I love it. Best of luck.
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Re: Mag Citrate and AF

Postby Elisa » 05 Apr 2021, 15:24

The doctor told me that I can take it for long periods and that shouldn't be a problem, but I don't want to depend on this forever. Unfortunately everytime I stop, in the moment the stool is not good the fissure tears up again. I would like to do surgery but the doctor wants to wait because of the risks. Good that it worked for you! I hope to do surgery as well at some point because I'm quite done with this!
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