More than one?

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More than one?

Postby Lsfb1989 » 06 Jun 2018, 13:31


Is it possible to develop more than one fissure? I had a look at the pain has really ramped up, and I am convinced I can see the start of the breaking down of tissue of another fffff fissure. Also, the sentinel pile is really painful - is this normal? I had one removed before and I dont remember it ever hurting. I have got to the stage (and it kills me to tell you this) that I have to rearrange my cheeks as it hurts so much - the pile seems to get trapped. FML
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Re: More than one?

Postby Deleted User 7114 » 07 Jun 2018, 13:00

I’ve had this experience. I’ve even seen multiple cuts on the outside of my anus at 1pm, 3pm, 6pm and 11pm. I can also feel that telling sting in multiple places during a BM. A general search on the internet says multiple fissures means a serious illness, but many people on this forum, including myself, have seen their CRS about multiple fissures and been reassured that it is nothing serious at all. I was told to put barrier cream on mine, so I’m keeping lubricated with coconut oil.

As for the sentinel pile, mine was sore before the surgery. Fortunately it hasn’t come back since the surgery. Don’t worry, I rearrange my cheeks too and balance in strange ways to avoid pain!
Deleted User 7114

Re: More than one?

Postby Lsfb1989 » 08 Jun 2018, 08:12

Oh hedgehogbum, thank you! I am sorry you have gone through tjis, but glad I am not alone (although I wish none of us had to). I feel like every few hours I have to readjust, its pathetic. I think the CRS Will remove the pile thing, last time he called it a warty lesion and sent it to the path lab to check it out just in case (like you I had seen thay multiple fissures can indicate Crohns/possible HIV).
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Re: More than one?

Postby Deleted User 7114 » 12 Jun 2018, 06:50

Lol, I spoke too soon! My sentinel pile is back with a vengeance! :~!@:

My pain level has also ramped up in the past two days. I also can't sit comfortably at the moment. Oh the joys of AF! How are you feeling now? Did you get the results back from the lab?
Deleted User 7114

Re: More than one?

Postby Lsfb1989 » 12 Jun 2018, 07:01

Oh no! I cant sit properly post poo for hours, always with the rearranging. My lab results just called it a warty lesion- rude!

I just want this agony to be over. Not being able to sit without a dagger burning pain is ridiuclous.
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Re: More than one?

Postby Deleted User 7114 » 12 Jun 2018, 08:27

I'm with you!! I want this pain to be over too. I want to think about other things than my rear end all day long!
Deleted User 7114

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