Muscle relaxant suppositories

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Muscle relaxant suppositories

Postby patience_and_healing » 15 Mar 2018, 18:21

I got a refill of my prescription for muscle relaxant suppositories, and I find them far more helpful in loosening muscle tension than nifedipine. I don't know why doctors don't prescribe them more often. They do cause a burning sensation as they melt which is pretty uncomfortable, but using half a suppository an hour before a BM makes bathroom time much easier. I hope to be able to progress enough using dilation so I don't have to continue them long term. If anyone wants to ask their doctor about it, it's a cyclobenzaprine/lidocaine suppository, with 5 mg/50 mg strength.
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Re: Muscle relaxant suppositories

Postby Canttakethis » 24 Mar 2018, 18:37

I have Valium suppositories. They have been the one and only reason I have been able to feel any better at all in 16 months. I have no idea why CRS don’t prescribe these for the horrible muscle spasms we endure. I saw a urogyn and am seeeing a pelvic floor PT. I am hoping all of this will help with the spasms. Thank you for posting - more people should know about these options. I may post also. Feel better!
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