My Journey

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Re: My Journey

Postby SakPase » 22 Aug 2015, 14:08

The good news is today has been the best and easiest day thus far. Minimal pain. Definitely fatigued though. But much less than lately. Had a really good morning and even cleaned a bit to help my wife. Gonna rest this afternoon because now I'm tired.
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Re: My Journey

Postby salamon555 » 22 Aug 2015, 14:56

Hi SakPase , I have been reading your story Im glad you are doing better. I m thinking about the surgery, although my next app on the 11th I will call my CRS on Monday and see if they can do it ASAP , I hope for you a fast recovery
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Re: My Journey

Postby SakPase » 22 Aug 2015, 18:15

salamon555 wrote:Hi SakPase , I have been reading your story Im glad you are doing better. I m thinking about the surgery, although my next app on the 11th I will call my CRS on Monday and see if they can do it ASAP , I hope for you a fast recovery

Thanks for the well wishes. Today definitely has felt the best thus far so I am encouraged. Another BM about 30 minutes ago. Only felt uncomfortable burning at the incision. Biggest issue for me right now is that following a BM I feel absolutely exhausted for sure. It doesn't last very long but it just takes it out of me.

Not sure if that is part of recovery or if I am just fighting the BM during the act because I did for 6 weeks. I suppose time will tell.

As for you, salamon, I have enjoyed not having hours of pain following a BM. I think time will tell through my recovery for how well pain management is for me. Some people recover much faster I realize. My nurse told me just prior to the surgery, "The next week you will experience pain 100x's worse than what you have been. But this is the only way to get you past it."

I haven't been 100x's worse but I've been in pain for sure. Reading some of these stories I feel "behind" but I remember what my nurse told me and am staying encouraged. I'm hoping midweek I feel "normal" and forget about pain all together.

Best of luck in the upcoming decision. I do not regret mine in the least. I'm in the middle of it but it fixed the issue I wanted fixed.
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Re: My Journey

Postby salamon555 » 22 Aug 2015, 20:21

Keep taking care of the surgery site,as well as your diet, I m believing that you are in the right road to healing completely,but remember, the healing process will be up and down until you reach your destination. Right now I'm in so much pain and I'm hoping my expected LIS will be soon and will have a smooth recovery .
People like you who share their experience, give advice and support, you are committing a humanitarian act to every sufferer!Please keep updating.
Last edited by salamon555 on 23 Aug 2015, 23:13, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My Journey

Postby SakPase » 23 Aug 2015, 08:11

Well, today I am being active today. It's Sunday, so I am headed to church where I'll teach a couple of times. I am hoping being with people does me well - it's been a long and dull week.

Last night wasn't bad. After the BM I was worn out, and took a couple of pain pills. I still contend - I HATE what they do to me. I was just out of it last night. Did get out to go to Old Navy with my wife and that helped. Came home, sitz bathed, and was in bed by 10. Woke to pee at 11:15pm and was doing great.

1:30, peed again, still fine.

3:45, peed again and just felt gross so I changed gauze and cleaned up down there with wet wipes. Disgusting for sure. I may have pressed a bit too much, as it hurt a bit after I got done cleaning. Because I wanted to sleep, I took one more pain pill since it had been about 6 hours since the last single one. It helped me sleep. This morning, I'm doing pretty good. Got in my barrage of meds (laxative, fiber, 2 ibuprofen, 2 tylenol, the anti-biotic he gave me, and the urinary meds he gave me (one more at lunch and then I'm done! no more red urine!)

So, here's to hoping for another energetic day like Saturday was for me, but even better.

Fun note, this morning, the sitz bath knocked something loose. It wasn't grime or anything. It looked like black fibers? Almost like part of the scab came off?

I don't know if the doc put any type of packing in, as I'm assuming it would have come out by this point. But, everything is looking and feeling pretty good at this point. Plan on taking a good, nice long Sunday afternoon nap today....which will be the first day my schedule has been normal!

Hoping no pain pills today so tomorrow I can go to the office. But if I have to...that's why they're there!
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Re: My Journey

Postby SakPase » 23 Aug 2015, 21:56

Well things went alright. Morning went okay. Was a tad touchy in mood from meds. Likewise, meds really would make me sweat if I stood too long.

Came home from church weakened. My wife said I looked "green" so I ate and planned the nap.

Prior to the nap a painless BM came. Wasn't a huge ordeal. Was easier to pass. The stress in my body is the worst. I didn't feel empty but didn't press on it. I was tired.

Then I slept from 1-3pm. When I awoke I felt great. Went to urinate and felt another BM. This one passed with quick ease but left me absolutely exhausted. Round two of that one the same. It seemed like it wouldn't stop. It was a solid BM but I think my bowels finally caught up to fully empty.

Then a Sitz bath and the frustration started. The incision pain flared up but I was more impeached by the fact that I've read stories of people being normal in 4 days so I felt behind.

I got that out of my system and got two pain pills IN my system. Then j laid around tonight.

Did sit in my cul de sac with neighbors a little later just for conversation and a change of venue.

Tonight, relatively pain free. Part of that is the pain meds I'm sure but I'm also healing. I can tell I am.

There is less discharge when I change a gauze pad. There is simply less pain. There have been zero spasms. There has only been incision pain.

One week from now I hope I feel "normal" and can be cheerleader for some of you who takes the plunge.
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Re: My Journey

Postby SakPase » 24 Aug 2015, 08:46

BM first thing this morning. Minimal pain until I wiped and then it felt the worst it had felt....for about 10 minutes.

While showering post-sitz bath, the pain had subsided for sure, but I felt a hair that was so tender to the touch.

I got out, looked, and it wasn't a hair, but a black string. I couldn't remember if I had that to look at or not, so I called and she just told me it was part of my suture coming out, as would happen in 5-7 days post-LIS.

So, not as much excitement as I thought...thankfully. Working from home a while this morning, then venturing out. Slept well last night, with the exception of having to urinate. And it's been 16 hours since my last dose of pain meds, so that's pretty awesome. Tylenol and Ibuprofen are holding down the fort for me.
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Re: My Journey

Postby SakPase » 24 Aug 2015, 20:57

Had three BMs I'm dropping the senna laxative at this point. Continuing to take some fiber supplement though. I had been doing that throughout the entire AF ordeal. I just didn't like fearing going to the bathroom.

I worked from home today and got some stuff done, but of course, the BMs did take it out of me a bit.

Picked up my daughter and took a single pill around 4 which helped me enjoy the evening.

After dinner, went for a 15-20 minute walk with my wife. We went slow and I completed it no problem. I was definitely beat whenever we got back though, so I laid down for a while and have taken it easy tonight.

Today's pain was minimal. Took the one pill and it wasn't HORRIBLE with pain, nonetheless, it was a dull discomfort. There was "stinging" pain here and there that would come. The string fell out today, and that was very uncomfortable.

Tomorrow, I am planning on going into the office after having a morning least that's the plan. Hopefully losing the senna will get me back to "normal" instead of the full feeling that the laxative would bring to me. Nonetheless, feeling pretty good and it's been a good day with minimal pain.

Today, although I was absolutely word out from the multiple BMs, it's had little pain. And, even through the up and down emotion of this whole ordeal, tonight I can feel that healing is happening.
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Re: My Journey

Postby SakPase » 25 Aug 2015, 20:43

The journey continues...

Woke up this morning to sitz bath. As I was concluding, I felt the stomach rumble and it just happened...I had to pass a BM, and I did not want to do that at all. It didn't fit into my plan...nonetheless, I went. Had my wife grab a Tylenol and Ibuprofen. Unfortunately, the recovery time was minimal because I had to get our daughter to the sitter by 7:30am, so I basically showered, washed, dried, and went.

When I got home by 7:45am, I crawled into bed and fell asleep for 45 minutes. I awoke, had a morning conference call, and then finally went to the office for the first time in a week. Thankfully, my job and office is great and understanding. In our youth room at church (outside my office) we have couches, so I worked there.

I was very tired all day...until around 1:00pm, and then I just felt great. It was 3:30pm, had to pick up my daughter, was driving to get her when I realized I hadn't taken meds all day long! I was simply feeling great.

Picked her up, came home, closed the door behind me and the stomach rumbled again. I didn't like the feeling, but amazingly, it stung at the incision site, and then there was no pain.

I definitely spent time cleaning up today though. The sutures fell out, and wound is still open, and so I padded it with a wipe, sitz bathed, sprayed off in the shower, and then padded once more. I was able to lightly press around the wound to see if anything came out, and it seemed clear. Disgusting...but such is life after surgery I suppose.

I immediately came to the living room, sat down, and had a nice and easy night. After dinner, I realized my stomach wasn't sitting right with me, and honestly have wondered if it is because I have completely cut any sort of dairy. I used to go to town on milk, yogurt, cheese, etc. So, I had a small yogurt, and it really seemed to settle my stomach. I have no proof this was connected....but it at least helped.

Finally went to the store tonight with my wife to pick up some more gauze and wipes. Also called my doc to ask about Dermoplast anti-bacterial spray. He said no one had ever asked him about it, but gave me the green light, because, "why not?" Told me 4-6 sitz baths a day is the best thing to do to keep it clean...and I have been. Today was only 3, but I'll jump back on it tomorrow and make sure to keep it extra clean. He also told me that based on what I told him about how I was doing, I'll be doing awesome next week, "No problem..." I definitely hope he's right...I mean, he's done thousands of these procedures is what he's said, so I'll hold onto that compliment.

I want to heal and never see my doctor again... was great. No pain. The last suture came out this morning...and honestly, the suture was some of the worst stinging pain I'd felt when it was on its way out. It just burned bitterly. No blood, limited discharge, and no pain. If I can continue on this path, life will be smooth sailing.
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Re: My Journey

Postby owmybum » 26 Aug 2015, 07:13

It sounds like you are healing great sakpase! Hopefully by next week you won't need any pain meds at all!!

fissure after hem banding and tag removal feb 11
Pelvic floor therapy
Botox June 13
Internal flap July 14
EUA and polyps removed Nov 14
Diagnosed with neuropathy Jan 15
Diagnosed with HS EDS type 3 (causes poor wound healing )
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