Since I started using nifedipine, I've had an epiphany. Before I used nifedipine, I had an anal fissure for almost 15 years. I didn't really know at exactly what part of my anus my anal fissures are at. When I applied nifedipine with my finger, I tried to feel where the most pain was coming from. I have found out that my anal fissure is most severe about an inch and a half ABOVE my anus! I must have got this anal fissure primarily from excessively hard wiping after bowel movements because the feces don't normally even make any physical contact at this area about an inch or an inch and a half above my anus.
Furthermore, I set up my cell phone to record a video. And I propped my cell phone on a wadded up sweatshirt. Then I got naked from the waist down and video taped my anus. I cannot even see the anal fissures on my anus itself. But I can see major irritation at this spot about an inch and a half above my anus. This spot where the irritation is is at the space between my butt cheeks at the very top of my butt cheeks close to my waist.
I know both from a doctor's examination in 2009 and from feeling it that I also have anal fissures at 12 o'clock and 6 o'clock on my anus. But the most several fissure of all is not even in my anal sphincter, but at this spot about an inch and a half (or maybe two inches) above my anus. So I believe I have three fissures total. But my MAIN anal fissure is the one about one and a half inches above my anus.
Has anyone ever heard of having an anal fissure about 1.5" to 2" ABOVE the anus between the butt cheeks?
I wonder how this will complicate treatment. For instance, with the MAIN fissure an inch and a half above my anus, how will that main fissure respond to botox or LIS surgery? Would LIS surgery heal the fissure that is an inch and a half above my anus?