My surgery experience

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My surgery experience

Postby ouchouc » 28 Dec 2016, 12:34

****I just want to say at the outset of this post that I say get the surgery if your other treatments have failed.***

I came to this forum often looking for answers, but finally ended up having surgery as nothing else worked. My pain was so bad that I was no longer able to function. I guess my experience with the surgery is worse than some, not as bad as others.

I had the surgery almost exactly 1 month ago. I had a very reputable surgeon that had done the procedure many, many times. The surgery itself was short, but the recovery has not been easy. I had very painful bowel movements for the first 2 weeks, and needed pain meds (one per day) for the first 3 weeks. After a full month of recovery I'm finally beginning to feel more normal. I still have discomfort, and even some pain, but nothing compared to what it was prior to the surgery. I never had any issues with infection or other complications.

I guess I'm writing this to let people know that not everyone recovers from this surgery quickly. I saw so many posts here where people said they were fine the next day. I needed a full month before I was ready to return to work.

Even though the recovery hasn't been fun I'd do the surgery again since my pain is so much less.
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Re: My surgery experience

Postby Mypoorbutt » 28 Dec 2016, 12:52

Hi ouchouc,
Glad your starting to feel better, must admit it made me feel better knowing that I'm not the only one who didn't find the surgery a miracle cure.
I only started to feel better about week 5 after the surgery and I'm 8 weeks out and still getting the burning sensation after each BM.
Like you I'm not as bad as before surgery and I'm grateful the spasms have stopped but it's helpful to know not everyone recovers and is back to normal after 2 weeks....although I'm really happy for the majority of the ones who are as no one should have to have this pain.
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Re: My surgery experience

Postby ouchouc » 28 Dec 2016, 13:22

Yep. After the first two weeks I thought things weren't going to get better. Now I'm beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel :)
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