Need Help, Chronic Itching

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Need Help, Chronic Itching

Postby littlehope1991 » 26 May 2017, 13:00


I am new to the site. I feel like I have read everything on the internet related my anal itching but I am still confused. So about 3 years ago I started to experience episodes of prolonged wiping. I noticed I needed to wipe more and more often. I would frequently return to the bathroom an hour after a BM and find that it was like I never wiped at all. A few months later I started to notice blood and intense itching. I went to the doctor and tried hydrocortisone suppositories, creams, viscous lidocaine.... Nothing worked to stop the itching!

The itching came on randomly and was so intense that it would frequently drop me to my knees. It was often worse at night and interrupted my sleep. The itching seemed to be coming from inside the anus, perhaps around the rim of the sphincter but also along the sides of my crack. The itch would also sometimes radiate forward into my penis. I get an intense sense of pleasure when itching. I often find that if i start itching, I cannot stop. I would also get relief from sitting down and rocking side to side. I have no pain, just itchy.

I eventually got a colonoscopy because the itching was just too intense and was diagnosed with a fissure. I was prescribed Rectiv and after 2 weeks the itching was gone. I found that as long as I maintained solid stools that didn't require a lot of wiping the itching would not return.

Well currently, the itching has returned and it more fierce than ever. I have tried applying the Rectiv again but this doesn't seem to have the same effect it once did.

Does anyone have any experience with having to re-wipe a lot? Is this an anal fissure? What on earth can I do to stop the itch?

Thank you for any help!
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Re: Need Help, Chronic Itching

Postby Glorybee » 08 Jun 2017, 16:55

Just experienced this issue today. It was awful. I'm in week six of a "healing" fissure with some hemorrhoids which flared again last night. I'd like to hear what others have to say about your issue.
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Re: Need Help, Chronic Itching

Postby Sgsh24 » 13 Jun 2017, 00:55

I'd like to hear what others say too.. I've had this anal itch for about 10 years and this year it's gotten truly unbearable. I'm female but my itch also radiates into my vulva.
I'm not sure if my bowels have a huge impact on it since I've been sticking to a pretty regimented diet of high fiber foods and no dairy, soda, red meat, etc but the itching never goes away. There will be spans of time where I don't notice it but it will wake me in the middle of the night or cause me to have to run to the bathroom at work so I can get some relief.
I have a fissure and sentinel pile but I have little to no pain associated with the fissure (now that my bowels are normal)... I just need this itch to go away! It's ruining my life!!!
If anyone can help, please do!
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