Need some support..

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Re: Need some support..

Postby havefaith » 21 Apr 2014, 17:36

Have you had a colonoscopy done to check for crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis? I would recommend that route first before a surgery which may not help. Going to a colorectal specialist will also help diagnose the problem. The valium will help with anxiety and spasms.

As far as ur question of is this enough fibre, what is your diet currently like? Are you currently taking a good stool softener? Keep that water wayyyy up!!!
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Re: Need some support..

Postby vdb324 » 21 Apr 2014, 17:56

I echo havefaith. My CRS had me a do a multitude of tests to make sure it was something more serious, like IBD, causing the problem before surgery.

Also, I would try not to worry too much about incontinence. I didn't have any problems, and it doesn't seem to be very common on the board either.
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Re: Need some support..

Postby Only22 » 21 Apr 2014, 19:21

See, that's the thing, I did have a colonoscopy and my GI said everything checked out. I really don't want to have another one. Maybe we had a miscommunication or something? The preparation day was murder on my fissure, especially the first couple of movements, and I was sore for days. My diet consists of a lot of noodles, bread, soy protein, vegetables and fruit; occasionally crustaceans and fish. The general surgeon wants me to drop coffee and soda because of dehydration, so it looks like my only option is water, really. >_< I was thinking one packet of the Meta-mucil might be enough, but it says on the directions as much as three times daily. That's a lot of Meta-mucil.
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Re: Need some support..

Postby Scientist2516 » 22 Apr 2014, 08:06

I wouldn't take too much metamucil. It bulks up your stools, and even though they are soft, they can still be traumatic to pass. Try one packet to begin with. You can increase it later if you want.

Some people find bread constipating. You could try sweet potatoes, red lentils, oatmeal and quinoa. I found those all to be excellent sources of softening fibre. Different foods work for different people, so it can be useful to keep a diary where you note what you ate and how soft your stool was. You can also note your level of pain. This provides a great way to record your healing progress, since healing can take a long time, and it's easy to get discouraged. If you can look back and see that three weeks ago your pain was an 8 and now it's a 5, it can help you keep motivated.

Multiple fissures usually is a sign of underlying disease, so it's important to look into that. Very unlikely to be cancer, but maybe inflammatory bowel disease, eg Crohn's disease, (as Havefaith says) or immunosuppression. Keep an open mind, and ask your doctor lots of questions.
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Re: Need some support..

Postby CHH » 06 Nov 2014, 11:32

Pelvic floor support help hemorroid among pregnant women too!!
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