New here...Botox and Fistulotomy at same time??

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New here...Botox and Fistulotomy at same time??

Postby itpainsme » 11 Jul 2011, 10:29

I just discovered this board last night. I have been living with an AF for over a year. I have in recent months developed a superficial fistula. My fissure does not cause me pain or bleeding anymore, but now I have some mild pain from the fistula, it gets irritated. I just went last week to another city to get a second opinion from a different CRS. Both CRS's that I have seen think I should get Botox at the same time I have my fistula surgery. My fistula is superficial (not in the muscle at all and only 1/2 inch long in length). My CRS says the surgery will be done in his office and he will do the Botox at the same time since I will already be numb down there.
I am concerned about getting myself back into a place of having pain again, since I currently do not have much pain. I do realize the fistula does need to be taken care of, as it will not go away by itself. The second opinion CRS believes that my fissure caused the fistula and thinks that with the fistulotomy and Botox my fissure will be able to heal. I do not have to tell anyone here how much pain I was in when I first developed my fissure. I couldn't leave my house, I felt chained to my bathtub. It was the most excruciating pain I have ever had. I went into a depression because I felt like I would never feel better again. It took many months for the pain to lesson and now I am terrified of going back to a place of pain like that again. My CRS seems to think my surgery would not take that long to recover from, but I am terrified.
Has anyone here had a fistulotomy on a superficial fistula and if so how was the recovery? Also, is it odd to have the fistulotomy done at the CRS's office? That means no anesthesiologist, what will he give me to relax me enough to do it? I am terrified of the recovery time.
Also, has anyone had good luck with Botox on a chronic AF?
I am so glad I found this board, this past year dealing with all of this has been very trying for me. I just want to be "normal" again and not be obsessed with stuff related to my *ss Image
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Re: New here...Botox and Fistulotomy at same time??

Postby val » 11 Jul 2011, 10:50

Hi there, welcome to the forum! Sorry you have to be here!
I had a superficial fistula 3 years ago and had it laid open along with LIS and a skintag removal. I also had a high fistula surgery 3 weeks ago. Both were done under ageneral anaesthetic - I wouldn't have the nerve to be awake!
I know you dont want to be in pain afterwards, but it's not that bad, and its better to have it done now while it is superficial, rather than leaving it and it tracking into the muscle.
Some of the other boardies have experience of botox, and also of being awake during the procedure, hopefully someone will be along soon.
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Re: New here...Botox and Fistulotomy at same time??

Postby Grumpyandsore » 05 Oct 2017, 13:55

Hi, i realise this is really old and you may not (hopefully for you!) even read this forum anymore. But...if you do then please could you let me know what you did and the outcome?? I've just had exactly what you described and it's sore and I'm scared stupid of breaking wind or going to the loo. Any updates or insight from anyone who has dealt with this issue would be so greatly received right now x
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