by zazzitup » 16 May 2014, 20:18
I haven't posted in awhile. I'm 2 1/2 months out from surgery with 2 setons. My setons were removed yesterday.once again, nervous to know what lies ahead. My doctor was the worst communicator I've ever seen. However, I can live with that if he's good. The past 2 1/2 months have been extremely frustrating, to say the least. Had I not found this forum prior to my surgery, it would have been way worse. I can honestly say, the surgery was nothing compared to the pain prior to surgery. I found it horrible to never feel totally clean. I feared a bowel movement at work and would do anything I could to hold off until I got home. It seemed no matter what I did, using gauze, pads, wet wipes stuffed in my bum, I still feared having accidents. Ok,so on to life without the seton. Next day, I find myself walking and gas bubbles are coming through the holes. It's hard to tell if I had an accident or just air. Will the holes from the 2 setons close on their own? If so, how long does it take? Does anyone else feel like you don't want your husband or wife to touch you because you feel nasty? Are you ever able to resume an intimate relationship? I feel so bad for my husband. Prior to the fistulas, I had so many UTI'S , then the abscesses and fistulas. I've undergone 4 bladder surgeries. These have created so much scar tissue that it had gotten painful . I was praying the fistulas and removal of them may alleviate some of these issues. I know I'm getting off topic here but to me, it's all related. Can someone give me some insight on your experience?