Glad to have found this group! Wish would have known sooner. My rectal problems have unfortunately resurfaced and wanted to share my story and possibly get some insights as well.
2004 - After multiple constipations got fissure
- Fissure turned into abscess, and had a surgery to drain the abscess
- Pain did not go away and had to get LIS.
After 2 months,
- Started getting extremely itchy and bumpy outside the lower right side of the anus
- Turns out, I have a fistula and get 2 surgeries done to drain the fistula track. I was told twice that it is a "blind track" and the surgeon could not find any internal opening or any evidence of feces.
At this point in time, I decided to live and manage the fistula. Had occasional flare ups when the outer opening got infected, but other than that it was fine.
2009 - The exterior opening of the fistula got badly infected and I went and saw a colon rectal surgeon. Pretty qualified, smart doctor. She cleared the abscess and also tried finding an opening to the "blind track", but even she was not able to locate it. She advised me that, my fistula is complex and I would need to get seton inserted and side effects are incontinence. But she also said, if you manage to keep it hygienic, you can have a healthy life. I started keeping the area clean and never had any issues for 7 long years!!!!!
Fast forward to 2017:
I returned from Greece in August where I had constipation (nothing too bad), but I also started noticing that I had discomfort while sitting and getting up. I did not pay much attention to it, but my discomfort increased after every bowel movement. I started using preparation H ointment and started taking fiber supplements and my pain went away a little. All this time, my stools were perfect, but I had problems stretching, it felt tight. I kept on using ointment, but one day while at work, it became really discomforting and I started feeling weak and had chills. I thought I had abscess and I went to the emergency care and the doctor there examined me. She took the MRI and told me she could not see any visible signs from outside. But the MRI indicated that there is a suggestion of a "tubular density" or a fistula on the left side

I have an appointment tomorrow with the same CRS who performed surgery on me in 2009. I have a bunch of questions for her and lets see what she says! I am reallllly trying to avoid anymore surgeries. I am also trying the Indian Ayurvedic medicine to see if that helps. I will update you all once I know more tomorrow! Please feel free to comment!