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Major pain and starting treatment/ any hope at all ?

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New to all this

Postby Lenny » 14 Jul 2020, 12:19

I need some reassurance,
I have been suffering with hemorrhoids for years and managed to control them for about 8 years no pain.
This year I have developed an fissure ,
It came about I believe by my impulsive trip to McDonald's, yep the enemy ,haha
I had an extremely large BM and probably tore into my anus producing the fissure .
I suffered for a month using prep h
Coconut oil (organic)
Witch hazel
Hot and cold water
Sitz baths ..
Nothing helped
So finally after being crippled for days I went to the doctor
He confirmed I had a BIG fissure
Prescribed hydrocortisone enemas split if possible half at night half if possible after bm , which it usually isnt ..
5% lidocaine /0.4% nifedipine
Which did nothing for pain .
After several phone calls made by my wife whilst myself writhing in agony loudly , a week later I was prescribed
Ketorolac non opioid pain relievers
And nitroglycerin ointment
They took the pain away
I only take 1 pill for the pain even though prescription says every 6 hours so 4 a day ! (Dont need that many )
I am hoping that it's not just pain relief and that it is healing ?
I use the nitroglycerin ointment twice a day and the lido/nifedipine at least 4 times a day ,
My diet now consists solely of smoothies at least for now .
I am scared
I am filled with anxiety
And I could use some reassurance..
Any repliy would be appreciated
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Re: New to all this

Postby Fibergirl » 14 Jul 2020, 15:44


It gets better, I promise. I had TWO anal fissures at once, and one is still in the process of healing. I was in so much pain after a BM I couldn’t do anything else for the rest of the day so I’m right there with you. Just like you, I was terrified to eat, had anxiety as well

2 things that could relieve you from some pain

1. Miralax - this makes your stool much softer, but not runny!

2. Vaseline and coconut oil (use both). This is what helped the most. Before I go to the restroom, I will lube my anal area up really well (inside too, you must do the inside for BM to be less painlful). My pain level went from 8 to 2/3 and 1 on a really good day.

3. Practice using the bathroom without straining. Maybe a little too much TMI, but position your feet on a laundry basket, or a stool so you’re in a a squatting position is surprised very helpful. Once you’re in this position, push with your stomach, NOT your anus. When you’re pushing keep your anal muscles relaxed while contracting and relaxing your abdomen muscles as if you’re making a “moo” sound.

Continue using your ointments as prescribed and it will get better over time.
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