I need some reassurance,
I have been suffering with hemorrhoids for years and managed to control them for about 8 years no pain.
This year I have developed an fissure ,
It came about I believe by my impulsive trip to McDonald's, yep the enemy ,haha
I had an extremely large BM and probably tore into my anus producing the fissure .
I suffered for a month using prep h
Coconut oil (organic)
Witch hazel
Hot and cold water
Sitz baths ..
Nothing helped
So finally after being crippled for days I went to the doctor
He confirmed I had a BIG fissure
Prescribed hydrocortisone enemas split if possible half at night half if possible after bm , which it usually isnt ..
5% lidocaine /0.4% nifedipine
Which did nothing for pain .
After several phone calls made by my wife whilst myself writhing in agony loudly , a week later I was prescribed
Ketorolac non opioid pain relievers
And nitroglycerin ointment
They took the pain away
I only take 1 pill for the pain even though prescription says every 6 hours so 4 a day ! (Dont need that many )
I am hoping that it's not just pain relief and that it is healing ?
I use the nitroglycerin ointment twice a day and the lido/nifedipine at least 4 times a day ,
My diet now consists solely of smoothies at least for now .
I am scared
I am filled with anxiety
And I could use some reassurance..
Any repliy would be appreciated