Hi everyone, glad I have found this forum. Apologies for the long post!!So I have been having problems since i had my daughter in Dec 2013. I had a self diagnosed fissure as i had episodes of bright red blood, shocking pain with a bowel movement. After a month or so this eased off and only after then did i bleed when I was dehydrated/ not eaten the right things. This went away but again for the past year when I've had a large bowel movement plus been dehydrated I have had some bleeding and have felt something 'go'/ 'tear' only slightly with a sharp pain but nothing as bad as originally. Earlier this year it felt as though I had a haemorrhoid as I could never feel clean afterwards and could sometimes feel something but that has now gone away. Also for the past year It has been quite itchy at times after a BM
The blood is always bright red
The bleeding has not increased in volume
It only bleeds when I am dehydrated/ eaten badly
Itching has only been there for a year
So decided to go and get checked out this week. Had a very uncomfortable
Consult with my GP who basically just looked did not real examination and has referred me to a colorectal surgeon- he can see nothing wrong and did not want to do an internal exam as they will do it there but I am freaking out. I've had very early cervical cancer 9 years ago which was zapped off and had no further issues. So googling my symptoms as you do they seem to fit haemorrhoids/ anal fissure and anal cancer- which is linked to people who have had cervical cancer.
I suppose my queries are;
Can fissures carry on but without the searing pain you Initially get with them and it becomes more manageable pain
Do my symptoms seem typical of a fissure
With anal cancer in my sensible head I think that the symptoms would have gotten worse but they have been consistent apart from this itching the past year. Any advice greatly appreciated until I see the surgeon in a few weeks x