New to this site and scared

Hard bumps near fissure

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New to this site and scared

Postby Alc4404 » 01 Jul 2017, 14:58

I never the that I would be talking about my anus online! I was recently diagnosed with a fissure and what they think is scar tissue. I can feel two hard, tender bumps on either side of the fissure, and the sphincter seems tighter on this part of my anus. It seems to also feel like more rigid tissue. When I Have a Bm that comes out forcefully, it causes by stool to be flattened somewhat, with a protruding ridge on the BM, with a streak of bright red blood on the ridge. When I felt around in their, the crevice, which I am assuming is the fissure is very sore and bleeds a little when I put a q-tip on it.
Anyway I looked online for flattened stools and such and it scared the heck out of me. I wondering if anyone has experienced anything similar.
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Re: New to this site and scared

Postby Alc4404 » 01 Jul 2017, 21:08

Are there any phone hotlines for someone to talk to about concerns?
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Re: New to this site and scared

Postby Mypoorbutt » 02 Jul 2017, 06:26

Hi if you have been diagnosed with a fissure by a respected CRS then that is more than likely what is causing your BMs to be that shape. If they were even slightly worried it could be anything else then they would have sent you for a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy
If your sphincter is tighter due to scar tissue and a fissure then that can and does cause BMs to change
If you are worried then ask for a second opinion
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Re: New to this site and scared

Postby Alc4404 » 02 Jul 2017, 11:31

Thank your for your response Mypoorbutt! They found the fissure during my sigmoidoscopy. I am wondering if anyone has heard of a non- surgical approach to healing scar tissue. Seems like the more rigid tissue there is a set up for more tears/fissures in th adjacent tissue.
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