Next step - Botox

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Next step - Botox

Postby Lsfb1989 » 24 May 2017, 12:26

Went for my 3 month appointment after trying Diltiazem, I said how much pain it was causing me, and the fact that I was bleeding after every toilet trip. I saw the registrar this time, who said that the next step was to put me under general anasthetic, and inject the muscle relaxant. She said it would be active for about 10 weeks, and that it could be done several times as it might not work first time. She did mention the possibility of fecal incontinence, but I was aware of that. I have been booked for the op, how long did it take people to go back to work? I assume I can go back the next day?
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Re: Next step - Botox

Postby Mypoorbutt » 24 May 2017, 12:37

Hi I took two weeks of for my Botox and fissurectomy but to be honest I could have gone back by day 5/7. I sit for my job though so that did make a difference.
My Botox lasted a good 12 weeks in fact probably nearer 16 weeks.
Lots of people don't have positive things to say about Botox but I loved mine it got rid of the spasms from day one and the recovery was very simple.
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Re: Next step - Botox

Postby AnalFizz » 25 May 2017, 09:07

For both of my Botox I was working next day. But then I really don't have that much pain just a gaping fissure. For first the relief came after a week and lasted two months. Second I got two weeks a go and I've had an incident and been in pain for a last week. Hope it works for you. I don't regret getting it done but waiting for the LIS
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Re: Next step - Botox

Postby Lsfb1989 » 25 May 2017, 09:41

Im really hoping this works, I was told by the CRS that being young, female and having had no children he doesnt want to operate on me.
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Re: Next step - Botox

Postby Mypoorbutt » 25 May 2017, 11:06

Botox can work really well there have even members on here that have healed fully. I know mamafizz has had a good experience if you try and read her posts.
If you are in the UK the NHS do not like to give LIS to young women or women in general actually unless you have a really high resting tone.
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Re: Next step - Botox

Postby Lsfb1989 » 25 May 2017, 11:38

Stupid question, but how is tone measured?

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Re: Next step - Botox

Postby Mypoorbutt » 25 May 2017, 12:39

Some CRS's use the anorectal manometary test and others use their experience my current CRS did and internal and got my tone practically the same as when I had the test done.
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