No pushing allowed!

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No pushing allowed!

Postby Bloodybum » 05 Apr 2019, 09:05

Anyone else struggle to learn to poop without pushing? It's been like two weeks and it's really helped me to avoid bleeding. Problem is, no pushing means Im walking around most of the day feel like with a little pushing I could poop, but if I sit on the toilette not much happens unless I wait till I really have to go. Do I have muscle impairment down there or something? Is it normal to struggle with this? I'm taking a cap full of miralax every night and eating plenty of fiber, generally getting the good type 4 stools.

What wierd stuff to share with strangers on the internet.
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Re: No pushing allowed!

Postby Abu » 05 Apr 2019, 11:26

I have the same issues sometimes but all my past tries to poop without pushing ended up in making me crazy. i simply can't stand the feeling that poop is in there and doesn't want to come out by its own, so in the end I always give up and push, even if a little.
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Re: No pushing allowed!

Postby SueMac » 05 Apr 2019, 12:51

I'm doing quite well with this. Are you using a stool to put your feet on and lean forwards as well. you feel silly but hey who's watching. Also big out breaths helps to expel naturally and take your time.
I'm not a saint though sometimes you just want it out!
Bloodybum I think it is ok to wait till you need to go really need to go. The main thing is going then not holding it in. I sometimes have the feeling I need to go for a few hours before I know it's properly "ready" to come out! I hate that feeling too but I know it stops me pushing if I just wait till it's really ready to go. I know what you mean weird conversations.
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Re: No pushing allowed!

Postby Chambers21 » 07 Apr 2019, 04:14

Maybe more fruit/veg and less red meats/ dairy products might help?
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Re: No pushing allowed!

Postby appleapple » 07 Apr 2019, 19:07

First time AF sufferer here and I think I re-opened my wound this morning by accidentally pushing. Grhhh. The spasms are driving me mad!
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Re: No pushing allowed!

Postby Bloodybum » 07 Apr 2019, 21:08

Me too actually. Had a hard stool start to come out and then just dangle there. Didn't know what else to do so just went ahead and pushed it the rest of the way. Obviously it was bloody. Second BM today was fine, but between the two of them I was stuck in the fetal position pretty much all day.
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Re: No pushing allowed!

Postby Abu » 08 Apr 2019, 09:41

Bloodybum, do you take softeners? The softer you manage to keep your stools, the easier it is to expel them without pushing.
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Re: No pushing allowed!

Postby SueMac » 08 Apr 2019, 11:37

Agreed it may only have to be a short term thing for you if you .manage to heal fast.
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Re: No pushing allowed!

Postby Abu » 08 Apr 2019, 22:58

I start to think maybe this pushing is a result of some nerve damage we experience. It just reaches the rectum and then stops, no more muscle movement to expel it further. Very frustrating.
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Re: No pushing allowed!

Postby Bloodybum » 09 Apr 2019, 07:39

By softeners do you mean fiber supplements like metamucil? I haven't, everything read says your better off getting the fiber from food. But I take miralax, which adds water to stool.

As of this morning bleeding appears to have stopped again. I also used a foot stool to facilitate squatting today, and I think that helped. I was worried it could backfire since my body's not used to it, but it seemed to work well.
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