Now fistula surgery not an option- help!

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Now fistula surgery not an option- help!

Postby worriedagain » 15 Mar 2020, 19:06

Hoping for some advice, please.
After waiting months to see a specialist I've finally had my fistula diagnosed and had gone on the waiting list for an operation. The surgeon said I could be waiting up to 6 months anyway but now with coronavirus and non urgent operations being cancelled imminently it would seem like I'm stuck with this horrible thing for the foreseeable.
What started as a tiny hole weeping pus now has turned into a squashy lump that still leaks all the time but is painful and I know it is there all the time.
How should I look after this to try and stop it getting worse? And is it possible to live with this longer term or could it end up going seriously wrong? And guidance much appreciated as I'm really worried about it.
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Re: Now fistula surgery not an option- help!

Postby chachacha » 16 Mar 2020, 09:50

I feel for you. What rotten luck on the timing front! Did your surgeon not advise you on how to look after it until he/she can operate? If not, I would try to contact them and ask. I will cross my fingers and hope that we're over the COVID-19 mess soon, and that you can get your fistula dealt with.
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Re: Now fistula surgery not an option- help!

Postby worriedagain » 21 Mar 2020, 09:06

Thank you, the appointment with the surgeon was a bit of a whirlwind- I was soon in and out and as I assumed I would soon be operated on I didn't think to ask. Thankfully, I've had a chat since with my doctor and he's given me some tips- keeping stools very soft (need to try harder at this as IBS makes things worse and having anxiety about the fistula doesnt help!) and warm baths. I already use macrogol which does help. Thanks again ☺
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