Pain while sleeping

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Pain while sleeping

Postby Wits End » 22 Jun 2017, 12:58

So Im not sure whats going on now..but a couple of nights when ive awakened from sleeping I have the sharp fissure like pain.. im not moving or doing anything. Lasts a couple of minutes then goes away. The other issue i have is that i get the sharp pain on the way to the bathroom -- before Im even having a bowel movement. Can this be related to a skin those hurt or get irritated? My dr didnt see anything at my appt but maybe ive developed one since
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Re: Pain while sleeping

Postby hurtinend » 22 Jun 2017, 19:52

I get that pain sometimes too. I think it may be a short muscle spasm.
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Re: Pain while sleeping

Postby Wits End » 22 Jun 2017, 20:54

Thats what i was thinking. Ive read so many people here talking about the spasms..but i dont know exactly what those are -- are they sharp, or dull and cramplike. With this affliction there is so much vagueness. You have to relax, eat enough fiber and then some, drink tons of water, avoid certain foods (that some of us love), soak, apply ointments etc etc. Basically walk a tightrope, with a ghost of a chance that you can nurse this wound and heal it. Plus the weirdness of trying to talk to people about it (thank God for this forum and the kind and generous people in it.) Im not one for regrets, but i so regret the day i decided to push during my morning bathroom ritual.
Wits End
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