Pelvic pain

Pelvic pain

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Re: Pelvic pain

Postby Hopefull123 » 30 Jan 2018, 19:57

Thank you Hurtinend, I just saw my proctologist and he said about the muscle spasms after fissure healing that sometimes the muscles can't get out of the spasming cycle. That's why it's important to have a bulkier stool to sort of stretch the anal canal, sort of anal physical therapy. Many people take laxatives and have watery stools that don't stretch the anal canal to get the muscles to start expanding again beyond their comfort zone created by smaller stools. It may hurt in the beginning but in time they will adjust. This is sort of like natural dialation. I hope you will feel better.
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Re: Pelvic pain

Postby hurtinend » 30 Jan 2018, 20:49

Interesting point. What is the protocol to obtain bulkier stool? Lately I find I'm mildly constipated despite eating veggies, bran, oatmeal and some fruit.
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Re: Pelvic pain

Postby Hopefull123 » 30 Jan 2018, 21:11

He said phsyllium husk fiber and enough water. But if you take this one, take it easy on the other fiber food you are taking. Too much fiber can constipate you. Experiment with the right amount. He also said many patients get a muscle release from taking flavonoids supplements.
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Re: Pelvic pain

Postby hurtinend » 30 Jan 2018, 21:32

Okay thank you I'll try it
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