Please advise

Anal fissure

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Please advise

Postby stirlingbear86 » 06 Aug 2019, 16:52


I am a new user so please forgive my ignorance on how this works. I am so desperate for help and I have no where to turn.

I have an anal fissure that is always giving me grief. It’s not a terrible fissure, my doctor says it is actually quite small, but it will not go away. It’s been years and the psychological impact of it is much more debilitating that the physiological symptoms.

I also have at least 1, maybe 2 sentinel piles.

I feel like every time I go to the doctor over the years I have had a fissure - does this really happen or is something else at play here?

I have read on someone else’s post that their symptoms increase with their menstrual cycle? Is this a thing? Why does that happen?

Also I get this weird sensation down there. It is like a brief this normal (I do not have any stds).

Please someone help me, I’m very lost and scared.

Thank you
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Re: Please advise

Postby Okaybum » 09 Aug 2019, 04:16

Has the doctor prescribed anything for your fissure?
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Re: Please advise

Postby jis76 » 09 Aug 2019, 10:26

Hi Stirling.

First things first.... find a Doctor preferably a Colo/Rectal Surgeon that knows about these things. IMO, General Practioners tend to not know how to deal with these things.

I think the usual cycle by the doctors will typically take is:

1) Diet and lifestyle changes (see lots of tips on this board on what works for people... this is very much different from person to person)

Combined with
2) A Calcium Channel Blocker or other medication applied topically to relax the sphinchter to allow for healing to occur (this works for many in the acute phase, and some who have had fissures for years).

Above can be used to managed for many years, but if not healed, next steps:

3) Possibly Botox injections (here in the US it seems to get suggested less than other places).

4) LIS procedure, minor surgery where they cut your sphinchter to relax it to allow for healing (nowhere near as bad as it sounds...see my diary). Sometimes combined with a fissurectomy (excision of the fissure) and tag removal.

Hope that helps... The people here know how scary, lost and painful you feel. Get the doctors help, you'll feel much better both physically and emotionally.
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Re: Please advise

Postby stirlingbear86 » 09 Aug 2019, 17:31

Thank you both so much. I have an appointment with the colectoral surgeon coming up soon.

Does anyone know why it seems so much worse on my monthly cycle - perhaps any ladies out there know and I apologise for the TMI I’m just so scared.
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