Please help with advice before my sugery

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Please help with advice before my sugery

Postby sandrasmiles7 » 16 Oct 2016, 14:30

I have not been having any pain or bleeding with bowel movements in the last couple of days both with hard and soft stools. What happens if I agree to the LIS surgery and then when I get the exam under General anesthesia and doctor sees that I'm healed other than skin tags. It it a big deal to still go under GA? The office can never seem to get me in for a exam. Do they talk to patients before the surgery about it?
Last edited by sandrasmiles7 on 16 Oct 2016, 21:33, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Please help with advise before my sugery

Postby Mypoorbutt » 16 Oct 2016, 16:01

I'm in the UK and know you can ask for an anoscope exam before you have Botox under GA as my fissure behaved for about 5 days pre Botox and I was very scared of GA but it was still there and still very nasty...I hadn't eaten much as I was so scared hence not a lot of BMs....your fissure may just be playing nice for a while.
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