hello Sav!
Yes thanks for the info! i read up quite a few and i'm trying to do it?
I dont have access to anal dilators however i can easily get something very silmilar to it... Its called a taper, an equipment that people used to stretch their ears to have those very big piercing. http://www.kingsbodyjewelry.com/Product ... 20size.JPG
it comes in sizes ranging almost the same as those anal dilators.
Will doing this really stop the spasm?
can you roughly guide me the steps in trying this?
-how many times should i do this in a day?
-what size should i begin with?
-is it okay if i used vaseline (i don't have access to KY jelly or much lubricant here. every store seems to carry only vaseline)
-How long must u hold the thing in there?
i would really love to hear from you since you had the experience. THANK YOU!