I've had an anal fissure for about 3 months now. I've been to see my GP twice and I'm waiting on some muscle relaxing cream tomorrow to try and ease it after analsole failed to do anything. I keep starting to get better then after about a week it's back with vengeance and I'm passing a lot of blood. Not just a bit on the paper but full on red water levels of blood. I've spoke to my GP about this and I'm doing everything right. Eating 3 wheatbix for breakfast and the rest of my diet is vegetables. I can't take stool softeners since I have IBS and it just triggers an upset stomach which makes it incredibly sore for obvious reasons. Until a few days ago I found putting a warm teabag against it would ease the pain but that hasn't worked the last couple of days and I'm relying on pain medication to manage it as it's so severe.
I'm in a ton of pain with it and trying to find out how I should be positioning myself for maximum healing. I've had to stop any exercise at all as it will just make it worse. Either I sit up straight with multiple cushions under me or I'm laying on my front in bed. These are polar opposites but the only ones that match up with the recovery periods at all.
I'm unfortunately on a bit of a timer. I have a chronic pain condition in my ribs unrelated to this. It's currently going down hill and I need to be able to sit for most of the day to keep it in check when it gets bad. If it's painful to sit, I can't do that so I'm stuck in do I want my arse to be in agony or my ribs. Not my favourite options in the world.. So what I'm asking is what position is optimal for helping recovery?