Post fissurectomy & skin tag removal surgery advice

Had my surgery yesterday 6th June

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Post fissurectomy & skin tag removal surgery advice

Postby Patientk » 07 Jul 2018, 07:42

I still have a gauze inside me since its my 1st day after surgery but i get spasms which hurt.

Please advice on foods to eat while recovery, how to safely pass stool while i have a sugery wound?
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Re: Post fissurectomy & skin tag removal surgery advice

Postby IFuckingHurt » 09 Jul 2018, 17:03

Take stool softener and fiber supplement to ensure a perfectly soft stool (works for me).
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So tired of this situation :-(

Postby Ekdreamer » 10 Jul 2018, 00:47

Where do I even start.....little a 23 year old female.....ive always had an issue with constipation on and off for atleast 3 years but it never occurred to me to have it checked....just a couple of laxatives worked fine then I noticed a painless lump on my anal area.....had it checked....boom haemorrhoid.......but it was painless and didn't cause me any trouble for the longest time.
Beginning this year, my constipation issues generally a healthy eater so I didn't think diet was the culprit....had a difficult BM that gave me an intense pain like something was tearing and there was blood in the toilet.....note that I had blood in my stool before due to hemorrhoid but it never caused me pain.....knew nothing about fissures at that point so I blamed it on the hemmy and assumed it would pass as always but boy was I wrong.....its been hell on earth since then. The pain used to be there for like 3 hrs or so but it gradually increased to almost all day when I decided it was time to see a doctor.
Doc examined me and said I had little cracks, gave me 2% diltiazem, celebrex and fybogel. With my little knowledge I imagined within 3-4 days I would be Okay but God knows am just about done with this...its been 3 months of different medication and a series of depression episodes because now I can't even be a normal 23 year old.....and am not referring to the diet because I've always been a healthy eater....but the anxiety Of The next BM and the pain is just on another level......increased fibre worked opposite for water intake went to a point that I thought I would get water poisoning but BMs were even harder than usual......2 days ago I had a colonoscopy done by a gastroentereologist to see what was causing the constipation and everything was normal.....he even said there was no fissure but there was mild hemmy at 5 o'clock with 2 degree physiological constipation and of course I was given a set of more medication.....BM was soft and watery due to the colonoscopy but today it was back to a hard one and I felt pain like that of a as am writing this am just done with do people deal with this everyday? The emotional drain is on a whole other level. Am just about to seat for my final university exams and am sad that I may not even get to enjoy my whole life and career. This is just not okay......not to make it a novel I have edited out some parts of my hemmy and fissure journey.
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Re: Post fissurectomy & skin tag removal surgery advice

Postby IFuckingHurt » 10 Jul 2018, 03:08

How often do you pass stools? If you’re like me, I waited too long before each time (mostly due to constipation) because I knew it was gonna hurt for 13 hours straight after awards, so I would purposely extend the time between toilet visits so I at least can get SOME resting time. Worst mistake. I’m pretty sure this caused my insane constipation issue and just contributed to the pain increasing each time.

Even though I took laxatives, it still hurt, because I took them when I felt constipated.

So I just decided to say F**k it, and pass one final stool that hurt so much that I almost passed out. Then right after I started stool softener and increased fiber intake (the kind of fiber that asorbs water). Then I was able to pass a painless stool the next day (and have been doing so every day now for a week) even though I still felt the burn from the last one.

Now I go even when I only feel a slight bowel movement, go and push it out (it doesn’t hurt).

As my friend also told me (he suffered insane constipation too): just get that first big boi out.

I’m 17, by the way, for reference, so my GI should also be “perfectly healthy,” although I’m going in for a colonoscopy in a couple of months.
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Re: Post fissurectomy & skin tag removal surgery advice

Postby Ekdreamer » 10 Jul 2018, 03:19

When my constipation was bad I would have a bm 2 times a week but after a series of these medications it's now a little bit more regular to everyday or sometimes I may miss a day....TMI here but the first bit Of The poop is usually hard and after that everything else just moves out freely......the colonoscopy is great atleast it will give you an insight of what's going on in there.....i would however suggest that you have it done by a colorectal surgeon rather than a gastroentereologist as the former is more conversant with fissures and rectal issues.....i only had mine done by the gastro....because i was more concerned with the constipation
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Re: Post fissurectomy & skin tag removal surgery advice

Postby IFuckingHurt » 10 Jul 2018, 03:30

I have no clue who I’m getting from, as I was originally getting it at a private surgical clinic, but they didn’t have permission to give anesthesia (I tried a little without, it hurt so bad for me), so the “surgeon” referenced me further to a local hospital which do have permission. So idk, I’m doing it at a hospital, no clue by who.
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Re: Post fissurectomy & skin tag removal surgery advice

Postby Ekdreamer » 10 Jul 2018, 03:36

Oh mean it can actually be done without anaesthesia? With all the anal pain it would be hell I imagine
Mine was done under anaesthesia and I felt nothing at all actually when I woke up I kept asking the doc if they really had done it......the result Of The colonoscopy is definitely the same regardless of who does it so I wouldn't worry too much about was just a tiny bit passing thought of who does it better
Try having it done under anaesthesia
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Re: Post fissurectomy & skin tag removal surgery advice

Postby IFuckingHurt » 10 Jul 2018, 03:38

Yeah I will :) that’s why I’m going to the hospital instead. Apparently yes, it could be done, but he said it was common to reference further.
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Re: Post fissurectomy & skin tag removal surgery advice

Postby Ekdreamer » 10 Jul 2018, 03:41

Oh Okay all the best though :-)
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