So, I had LIS on April 20th. To be honest, the past week has been much more difficult than I expected it to be. The pain has been tolerable most days, although there were some days where I needed the pain killers but opted not to take them. My BM's have also been uncomfortable, but not overly painful. The main issues I have been dealing with are due to consistent pain/discomfort either at or near the incision site and over the past few days, I have a soreness/pressure more in the area where I have my fissure. Part of my pain feels like the type of pain I get when I have a very badly inflamed hemorrhoid and I know that some of the discomfort is due to inflamed tissue from the constant drainage. My biggest concern going into this procedure was an infection. My BM's have the consistency of oatmeal most days and it has been this way for many years as I eat plenty of fiber and take Miralax twice daily. It was too difficult for me to try and work toward changing the consistency prior to surgery even though my CRS told me that it is best to have soft formed BM's. I definitely have drainage from the incision which has been either clear, brown or sometimes a yellowish color. I did have some discharge that was very thick and appeared greenish to me and I spoke to my CRS about this but she did not feel that it was an infection but gave me a prescription for Amoxiciline to take until I see her on Tuesday. One of the concerns that I have is that my incision is not visible externally. This makes it impossible to keep clean since it is on the inside, even though I use a shower head after each BM and take a sit bath after each BM as well. When I use a wet wipe to try and go inside the rectum a bit, there is almost always brown on the wipe, which I believe maybe stool. This leads me to believe that I am not able to keep the area clean, probably because my BM's are not solid and it leaves debris behind. At this point I am terrified that I have developed an infection that will become an abscess.
Does anyone have any tips for how to keep the wound clean when it is inside the rectum and not reachable using a shower or even a bath? It may be too late for this, but I guess I should try everything I can. Did anyone else have stool that was not formed after they had LIS? Did anyone else have issues keeping the are clean from stool?