Post-LIS scar tissue/exercise

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Post-LIS scar tissue/exercise

Postby Tim » 09 Dec 2011, 15:20

Ok, I'll shorten this down in hopes for some response, LOL! How many of you have had LIS and had some odd twinges of pain or a dull ache from scar tissue? It's mostly a sharp stab at times almost like a pulling sensation. My CRS said he can see the scar tissue so that would make sense. Also, I had my LIS on September 23rd, do you think I could return to exercise, walk/running. I want to approach this slowly but hopefully I can get back into the swing of life. Here's hoping!
Thanks in advance!
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Re: Post-LIS scar tissue/exercise

Postby Tim » 13 Dec 2011, 09:08

Nothin' for me folks? LOL...
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Re: Post-LIS scar tissue/exercise

Postby Sue1962 » 13 Dec 2011, 12:17

Sorry noone has answered you post Tim. I can't answer as I don't go for surgery until 1/09/12. I am sure some of the older boardies will give you some info soon. Hang in there!!
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Re: Post-LIS scar tissue/exercise

Postby suzyljank » 16 Dec 2011, 12:22

Hi, I had LIS in 2008 and I have scar tissue, from that surgery and a previous one. You can sometimes feel the tissue pulling. My surgeon suggested a partial anoplasty to remove some of the tissue and enlarge the rectal opening. Short of that, keep your stools soft, and lubricate before and after you go. Unfortunately scar tissue doesn't stretch that's why you can sometimes feel the pain. I still believe that because there are so many nerves in that area, that surgery might sometimes cause some nerve damage. My LIS scar started hurting right away and to this day can be very tender. I haven't opted for another surgery yet, I'm trying not to because of the formation of scar tissue. I went back to exercise a few months after LIS, I like to walk or walk on a treadmill. I do feel better after I do. I wish you well. Suzy
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Re: Post-LIS scar tissue/exercise

Postby Deleted User 4175 » 30 Apr 2015, 13:27

LIS last year aswell as fissurectomies. Tried to wean myself off Movicol this week. All went well for two days and then oh dear this morning - backwards. Not too much info required but even just the slightest use of the muscle in there seems to cause the feeling of tearing and fissures again. Any thoughts anyone? Worried and fed up.
Deleted User 4175

Re: Post-LIS scar tissue/exercise

Postby Broncosgirl » 02 May 2015, 19:45

Comcerning exercise... I imagine each person is different so listen to your body, but I started exercising 1 week post LIS. It caused some intense itching but no pain or I would have stopped. I did low impact exercise on the elliptical for about 1 month pod surgery and then attempted a run. I felt some mild discomfort about half way through my run so I stopped, did the elliptical for another week and just did another run today pain free.

All that to say, listen to your body, start slow and easy and work your way up as you would with any injury.
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Re: Post-LIS scar tissue/exercise

Postby Deleted User 4175 » 07 Oct 2015, 12:54

I have two fissures I am trying to heal up just now. Also scar tissue from a removed thrombosed hem inside and outside. When I walk, even just around the house I either feel sore from the scar tissue or from the fissures inside. It changes daily as to where the discomfort and pain will be for that day. As a result I avoid walking. I love walking. I used to walk every day, actually outside. I haven't been out for weeks, only to hospital. Has anyone got any advise for me. I only wash with water and have been told to stay away from creams, oils etc and let my body heal on its own. Just feeling so restricted. May be this is it for me now?
Deleted User 4175

Re: Post-LIS scar tissue/exercise

Postby suzyljank » 09 Oct 2015, 08:54

You sound like I did a few years back. I had so much scar tissue it hurt to raise my legs to walk up the stairs. It's called anal stenosis. I had double advancement flap surgery. This removed a lot of the scar tissue on two sides and widened the opening. It did not completely get rid of the stenosis but it's functional and a lot better. What surprises me the most from these surgeries is the failure of some doctors not to recommend dilation after surgery. This is so simple and it helps to keep the scar tissue from shrinking further. You have about 2 years to stretch the skin and keep it pliable after that it is what it is. You also have to understand that if you have stenosis you must keep your bms soft. My daily routine is dilation in the morning and 3/4 tbs. of miralax at night. I can stretch to have a bm but I can only stretch so far. Before surgery I could not pass a pea, now it's so much better, but not perfect but what is. Some people also have PFD after this surgery, this can cause tightening of all the muscle in the area off and on. When the muscles tighten nothing stretches and that causes pain. You should discuss this with your doctor. I hope you find a resolution, I've been there and completely understand. Sitting on a warm heating pad can help too. All the best Suzy
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