One Day good next day horrible?

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One Day good next day horrible?

Postby frank » 18 Mar 2015, 15:34

Anyone deal with a roller coaster of spasms? Yesterday Had a painful bowl movement but that was it. No spasms, felt great all day. Today painful bowl movement, 1.5 hours later excruciating spasm that just let loose. It lasted almost 6 hours today. Extreme burning and tightness. Its like it gives you a day of comfort, then next day will be pain all day. I am so confused by the problems I am having with this fissure. I have never had spasms like this. Will it get better? I am on Diltiazem cream. Im into day 6. I have heard it takes a while but I cant even gauge if its working when I have a great day then next day a nightmare.
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Re: One Day good next day horrible?

Postby spoon29 » 18 Mar 2015, 16:29

I haven't been officially diagnosed with a fissure but almost positive that's what's going on. For the past week it has been all ups and downs each day. Painful bm then warm bath and it's tollerable, if I don't hop in the bath it can be painful for a long time. Every time I have a bm or burning I've been using virgin coconut oil frozen as suppositories and that's always pretty soothing. It has helped me so far. Finally even with hard large bm's they still hurt but the bleeding is getting much much better, seems to be healing well.
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Re: One Day good next day horrible?

Postby frank » 18 Mar 2015, 18:35

That is pretty much what I used to get with all my previous fissures. Painful bowl movement, a harsh burning sensation immediately after, a sitz bath real quick then good to go. Wouldn't remember I even had a fissure until I went to the bathroom the following day and it would resolve in a week or so. This one is painful bowl movement, same exact burning feeling like previous fissures, a dip in a sitz bath and all is good. BUT anywhere from 1-2 hours later out of nowhere comes horrible tight burning spasms. They peak to an almost unbearable level, and the go at it almost all day.
Salt Bather
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