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Hello all... New to AF..

Postby Mainst74 » 14 May 2015, 07:10

Hi all, hoping this is how I introduce myself. A little about myself, 40 yo, male, self employed and living in a lovely part of Yorkshire UK. I developed bleeding in Oct 14, thinking it was piles I used the regular over the counter remedies without success. It wasn't until I suffered a major bleed in Feb 15, my GP referred me for urgent investigation and colonoscopy, query all kinds or outcomes, a massively worry at the time. Due to the pain severity and unknown lump, the colonoscopy could not be undertaken with sedation so had to have further investigations, biopsies, and colonoscopy undertaken via general anaesthetic. This is when the real pain and trouble commenced. I have never experienced pain like it. Day one post procedure, I had to see my GP for pain control, prescribed laxative, ibroprufen and tramadol. The last 6 weeks have been a living hell, and I do not say that lightly.. Due to the pain, I requested an urgent appointment with my consultant where a Fissure was diagnosed, he is not sure if this was present prior to my investigations or caused by them. That's a direct quote. Since all this circus commenced I have now developed a food intolerance, GP referred to this as IBS. Having seen my consultant in the past few days I am now on GTN cream 3 applications per day, careful diet, laxative and pain control. My consultant wants to give it 3 months prior to further procedures if still required. The only place I get any relief from the pain and discomfort is in a hot bath, the spasms associated with all this are crippling, I can not explain, except to anyone who's has experienced the agony caused when these occur. If I have an active day, such as lifting anything or walking to far other than room to room the spasms are worse and accompanied by bleeding of which I am still wearing pads to ensure I am as clean as I can be. So to conclude, I am just dealing with everything day to day and very grateful to have found AF.org, I thought it was just me! With the support of my partner, family and a few close friends I am sure I will get there, wherever there happens to be.. Thanks to those who have read this and I hope my experience can be in somewhere a small comfort to others, is the other posts have been to me. I have a lot of further reading to undertake on AF but thanks, it's put my mind at ease in many ways that I am not on my own. As things change I will update according... Good luck in your recovery......
Suffered since Oct 14.
Colonoscopy under sedation Feb 15 -Failure
Colonoscopy under GA with biopsies taken
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Re: Hello all... New to AF..

Postby Scientist2516 » 14 May 2015, 07:48

Hallo Mainst74,
Welcome to the forum. I'm so sorry you needed to find your way here and so glad you did. Thanks for introducing yourself. This forum has been a lifesaver for me, and so even though I'm healed now, I stick around to try to help and encourage others.

Isn't it lovely to think that the specialists might have caused your pain! Still, you had something wrong before, so maybe it would have happened anyway. It does sound as though you are on the right track with diet, laxative, pain control and GTN.

A word of caution - narcotic pain relievers like Tramadol are constipating and addictive. The laxatives are hopefully taking care of the constipation, but you should probably look to be on Tramadol for as short a time as possible. Ibuprofen is safe, but less effective. Still, for me it took the edge off and let me function.

If you get tired of hot baths, try a hot water bottle. Not too hot, and not too full, because you are going to sit on it, and you don't want it to burst. I sat on a hot water bottle for hours every day for weeks and it was enormously helpful. If you can't sit, you can lie with it tucked between your legs or under your buttocks.

Also, if you find that GTN isn't helping, there are two other drugs to try: diltiazem and nifedipine. Dilt. can make some people itch, but nifedipine seems to have few/no side effects. That said, GTN was most effective for me and maybe it will be for you.

Mainst, this may take a very long time. Be mentally prepared for a long recovery period. After three months you will hopefully see enough improvement that your doc can recommend NOT having surgery. I'll just say that in my case the worst was over after three months, but I did have significant pain for several months after. It got less and less painful and less and less frequent, and it was at a level I could live with. Improvement was gradual and frustrating, but now I'm better. The whole journey took about 18 months, but the last 12 of those I was fine most of the time.

I'm not telling you this to scare you, but to let you know that no matter how bad it is now there IS light at the end of the tunnel. It's important not to get depressed. In the bad times you can't imagine how you will get through it, but you WILL. You have people to support you, and that is fantastic. It is really a great idea to tell people, because a fissure can be very isolating. Nobody understands until they've had one, but at least if people know you are in pain, they can be supportive.

Good luck Mainst, and come here as much as you like to ask questions, vent, keep a diary of your progress. We are here to help each other.
Nifedipine/lidocaine, no help
Diltiazem, effective, but caused major rash
Nitroglycerine, effective.
Topical estrogen for final healing.
Gentle heat to bottom - pain relief, muscle relaxant
Kondremul mineral oil
Time - lots of time.
Status - Healed!
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Re: Hello all... New to AF..

Postby Mainst74 » 14 May 2015, 08:43

Many thanks.

I had just written a lengthy response and lost it... I will master this I am sure in due course.
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Re: Hello all... New to AF..

Postby Scientist2516 » 14 May 2015, 09:39

Hate when that happens!
Nifedipine/lidocaine, no help
Diltiazem, effective, but caused major rash
Nitroglycerine, effective.
Topical estrogen for final healing.
Gentle heat to bottom - pain relief, muscle relaxant
Kondremul mineral oil
Time - lots of time.
Status - Healed!
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Re: Hello all... New to AF..

Postby Fissurefrustration » 18 May 2015, 05:18

Hi there Mainst74

I'm a young male - 24 also living in the UK (somerset) and have had the same symptoms as you for 2 years now so I fully sympathise with how you are feeling and how much it can affect your life. Have a read through some of my posts that have gone through things that I have tried and what has/hasn't worked well - keep in mind though everyone is different and heals at different rates.

I'm on here almost every day so feel free to message if you have any questions but there is a plethora of knowledge on here (Scientist is wonderful - not sure what I would have done without her) and we are all very close and can sympathise.

I had botox and banding of hemmis a month ago and I'm still no better however the spasms (what you get for hours after every bm) have all stopped which is a wondeful relief. I still get bad pain in the day but it's no where the same as it used to be.

Keep your head above the water and try to talk to your partner about it when you feel comfortable - I found a great relief explaining to my family even though they couldn't understand but they could then understood my change in mood etc. Anal fissures/hemmis/any condition relating to the bum is a taboo subject here in the UK and can feel very isolating as it's as going to the loo should be as easy as putting on a kettle however we are the unlucky ones in this case. As scientist said there is a light at the end of the tunnel - please keep us posted and maybe start a weekly diary to keep a log of what works for you which I've found useful to reflect upon.

What do you do for work? I've found keeping up with my job very difficult especially since a recent promotion so I've spoken to my manager about my condition and as a nurse she is very understanding luckily. Try to use heat therapy with a bottle and keep up a high intake of pure water.

Thoughts are with you

FF :smilyhug:
Suffering since June 2013

Methods tried:
GTN cream - migraines!
Manuka Honey / Coconut oil / Aloe
tag excision X 2, botox x 3
dilatation 2 X daily + Retin-C Vitamin Scar Treatment Oil 2 X daily - best thing ever.
Now pain free 2/7/21
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Re: Hello all... New to AF..

Postby Mainst74 » 18 May 2015, 11:31

Hi FF.

Thanks for your message. As today is my day off, it's been a chilling out and relaxing one so I have had time to read through your diaries, it's sounds as if you have been through the mill, big time. Fingers crossed things are heading in the right direction. Hope you enjoyed your break and it hasn't knocked you back?

I am very fortunate to own a gift shop and as we live above I don't have a long commute to work, the only delay is if I meet our cat on the stairs. I am fortunate that I am able to sit down when required, customers permitting, I have a wheat bag which I use a lot for relief, and my baths are great, I am just dreading the next quarters water bill, on occasion I have been in it four times a day.

On a more cheerful note I started using coconut oil made into suppositories and the relife was almost instant. I am pleased to report I have had a great 3 days, minimal spasms through the day and bearable BM with only a few blood spots on the TP and my mood has certainly improved, in the past couple of days I have also cut back on the pain killers..

I had to smile in your diary referance to Laxido, I make mine with a 1/3 glass of water and top up with orange juice.

This forum and information has been a godsend, and that there is no issue talking about bm's etc I was speaking to a friend recently whi I know hadn't been very well, and surprise suprise she also has a Fissure.. It was certainly a random conversation to start with, we now check in with other on a regular basis...

Hope you have had a great day?

Please feel free to msg if you want a chat at any point.
Suffered since Oct 14.
Colonoscopy under sedation Feb 15 -Failure
Colonoscopy under GA with biopsies taken
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