A question about stools and continued tearing

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Re: A question about stools and continued tearing

Postby felix » 03 Jun 2015, 13:00

I found that the problem with too much friut and fibre in general was it seemed to make my poo much bigger and even though it was soft, it was just uncomfortable to pass. I found that once I cut down to 3 pieces of fruit a day, 5 prunes and i teaspoon of psyillium, it has all been a bit better. However, whether that was just coincidence, I don't know! To be honest, I am just really tired of it and finding it hard to be positive, it almost seems like the better it gets, the more I just want to be normal again. I am constantly terrified it will come back. I think it is one of the most horrid things I have had and I have been through 2 natural childbirths!
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Re: A question about stools and continued tearing

Postby hopefull » 03 Jun 2015, 16:32

Oh Felix, it is so so horrid, sounds like you've got your diet sorted, good on you. I think it was you that said to me 'everyday is a day of more healing' I carry that with me to keep me going so thank you :) You will heal, it will take longer than you want but you will get there. Hang in there, stick to your regime for a lot longer than you think and hopefully your terrified feeling will dissipate over time. I have that fear too, it's awful but hopefully it's just going to be a distant nightmare at some stage.
AF since Jan '15 postpartum
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Re: A question about stools and continued tearing

Postby felix » 04 Jun 2015, 14:30

Thanks for that, it made me feel a bit better! To be honest, I think that it is the fear it will get infected or become something worse that gets to me...I just jump into the worse case scenario when I am feeling anxious. I think you will heal too, I just think it takes a bloody long time because of where it is and, even when it does heal. it probably gets sore and irritated a lot. Keep going too and thanks for the support, I don't know if my poor husband can take anymore chat about bums!
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Re: A question about stools and continued tearing

Postby Mae » 06 Jun 2015, 11:02

I don't think AFs can get infected. I mean it's your own bacteria right? I mean perhaps they can but I think it's rare.
● Fissure first appeared Nov '14
● Cycle of healing and reappearing
● Using conservative methods (metamucil, managing anxiety)
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Re: A question about stools and continued tearing

Postby msimon » 06 Jun 2015, 12:32

They certainly can but you are right in that it is very rare.
Dec '13 Fissure from anoscope
3 X internal sphincter botox
'08-'15 Botox for pelvic floor dysfunction
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