Fistulotomy on stll draining fistula? Help!

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Fistulotomy on stll draining fistula? Help!

Postby Brians » 28 Jul 2015, 20:38

Can they do a fistulotomy on a fistula Thats still draining?

I only ask because my seton has fallen out and I've my follow up with crs in 5 wks or so when I was told I would have seton tightened or fistula laid open .
i showed crs to say seton had fallen out (it was supposed to be in Place 3mts till follow up but Fell after 4 wks )

From what I gather a fistulotomy is done for simple fistulas or ones that have stopped draining after seton if in low position and seton is used to clear infection or protect muscle .

If I needed a seton then surely I shouldve had it replaced asap or I'm just back to square one and another seton in 5 weeks and fistulotomy when that has done it's job .

I've tried asking nobody says a thing except don't worry it's normal and a common occurrence .

If anyone knows I'd appreciate it .
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Re: Fistulotomy on stll draining fistula? Help!

Postby Savaici » 29 Jul 2015, 04:17

Sorry about your troubles. I would really suggest making your appointment sooner to sort it out, though if you have been told that it's normal and not to worry I would also try to do that in the meantime.

I have not had the surgery though so hopefully someone will come along who has.
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Re: Fistulotomy on stll draining fistula? Help!

Postby Cporosus1 » 29 Jul 2015, 08:25

Yes you can. I mean, you NEED to go to your CRS to ask him for sure (you most certainly should do that ASAP), but fistulotomies are performed on fistulas at any time, given that they are low enough to not cause to high a risk of incontinence (the vast majority of fistulas are). If you don't have Crohn's or some other IBD I would suggest you get the fistulotomy ASAP if your CRS says you can. The healing can take a while (mine took 14 weeks) but if you are otherwise healthy and your surgeon is experienced then it should not come back and you should be "good to go", so to speak, once it heals.
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Re: Fistulotomy on stll draining fistula? Help!

Postby Brians » 29 Jul 2015, 09:52

Thanks ,
I literally had no idea and nobody could or would answer t docs ,
I think I might compile a list of questions for crs appointment .

It isn't draining as much Tbh just spotting on the gauze but some of original swelling is still present so I guess it's a bit to drain yet , who knows .

Anyway thanks again c :Rock:
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Re: Fistulotomy on stll draining fistula? Help!

Postby richibeno » 29 Jul 2015, 16:55

Hi there
You may have a cutting Seton which cut through the fistula these do fall out '
The skin then heals behind the cut
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Re: Fistulotomy on stll draining fistula? Help!

Postby Brians » 31 Jul 2015, 20:27

No it was loose seton ,

I just don't understand why it was so important to fit it and 3half weeks later when. It falls out
The crs says oh that's ok don't worry .

In in same lain and discomfort now as I was while it was in and before it was fitted ,
It's like I went through having the thing for nothing in fact it caused slightly more discomfort .

Only reasons I can think of for them fitting it
Are it's done as matter of course or because mus le was at risk in which case it should surely have been urge t to replace it ?

My trust in medicine is destroyed Tbh I won't ever set foot in a gp.practice again ,
I've got crs appointment in 6 weeks which I will probably attend but no more I'm done with this
Farce now
Nothing has changed in 7 months and one surgery I'm not getting trapped in cycle of surgery and pills I want some sort of life back now .
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